Albany, NY Sun Apr 7, 2019 USDA – Cornell University
Bath Steer and Replacement Cattle
Feeder Cattle Weighted Average Report for 4/6/2019
*** Next Feeder Special will be Saturday, May 11, 2019 ***
Receipts: 330
Last sale: 354
Compared to last month’s Feeder Special Sale, Number 1 Feeder
Steers sold steady to 7.00 higher; other Feeder Steers sold steady.
Feeder Holstein Steers under 600 lbs sold steady, over 600 lbs sold
weak. Number 1 Feeder Heifers not tested; Number 1-2 Feeder Heifers
under 600 lbs sold steady to 10.00 higher, over 600 lbs not tested;
Number 2 Feeder Heifers under 600 lbs sold steady, over 600 lbs sold
weak. Number 1 Feeder Bulls 500-600 lbs sold steady, other Number 1
Feeder Bulls not tested; other Feeder Bulls sold steady to 10.00 higher.
Springing Cows sold steady to 100.00 higher; Bred and Short Bred Cows
sold steady on a light test. Bred Heifers sold steady on a light test;
other replacement heifers not tested. Cow-Calf Pairs and Service Bulls
not tested. Demand was moderate. Today’s feeder cattle supply consisted
of 27 percent steers, 10 percent Holstein steers, 40 percent heifers,
23 percent bulls, with 29 percent weighing over 600 lbs. Included
in the sale were 51 replacement cattle. Feeders sold by the cwt,
replacements sold by the head.
Feeder Steers Medium and Large 1
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
4 300-400 366 130.00-142.50 137.61
7 400-500 435 137.50-152.50 144.76
7 500-600 547 127.50-137.50 132.23
4 600-700 639 130.00-142.50 135.44
3 700-800 743 131.00-141.00 136.59
Feeder Steers Medium and Large 1-2
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
2 300-400 346 120.00-127.50 123.32
1 400-500 404 122.50 122.50
4 500-600 549 110.00-125.00 118.91
4 600-700 650 105.00-127.50 119.67
1 700-800 706 102.50 102.50
2 800-900 846 92.50-97.50 94.96
2 900-1000 931 91.00-92.00 91.50
Feeder Steers Medium and Large 2
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
1 200-300 204 105.00 105.00
3 300-400 349 77.50-92.50 88.05
9 400-500 462 85.00-115.00 105.25
2 500-600 590 91.00-95.00 93.01
2 600-700 645 77.00-81.00 79.00
1 1000-1100 1038 76.00 76.00
Feeder Holstein Steers Large 3
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
2 200-300 263 72.00-85.00 78.28
10 300-400 357 70.00-90.00 82.94
4 400-500 432 80.00-87.50 82.94
3 500-600 533 60.00-67.00 63.22
1 600-700 624 55.00 55.00
2 800-900 828 49.00-65.00 56.77
Feeder Heifers Medium and Large 1
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
3 300-400 380 132.50 132.50
8 400-500 446 132.50-135.00 133.12
2 500-600 544 131.00-160.00 146.14
10 600-700 660 122.50-132.50 125.58
4 700-800 735 122.50-125.00 123.70
Feeder Heifers Medium and Large 1-2
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
2 300-400 372 110.00-122.50 116.28
11 400-500 459 115.00-128.00 122.97
9 500-600 565 115.00-125.00 119.65
4 600-700 638 110.00-119.00 114.86
1 900-1000 920 90.00 90.00
Feeder Heifers Medium and Large 2
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
2 200-300 223 75.00-103.00 88.69
10 300-400 365 75.00-105.00 92.40
10 400-500 452 80.00-115.00 94.38
4 500-600 520 70.00-105.00 92.71
3 600-700 636 70.00-87.50 77.65
3 700-800 718 60.00-77.50 66.00
Feeder Bulls Medium and Large 1
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
6 500-600 541 122.50-133.00 129.55
Feeder Bulls Medium and Large 1-2
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
6 300-400 408 117.00-125.00 121.87
6 400-500 445 116.00-127.50 122.19
4 500-600 546 105.00-119.00 110.44
2 600-700 631 99.00-115.00 106.94
2 700-800 715 110.00 110.00
3 800-900 818 105.00 105.00
Feeder Bulls Medium and Large 2
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
5 200-300 259 80.00-105.00 95.57
4 300-400 356 90.00-110.00 101.62
2 400-500 464 101.00-102.50 101.76
2 500-600 574 75.00-77.50 76.29
1 600-700 640 95.00 95.00
4 700-800 770 55.00-67.50 61.32
1 800-900 836 77.50 77.50
1 900-1000 916 60.00 60.00
1 1000-1100 1032 60.00 60.00
Springing Cows Medium and Large 7-9 months bred 1000-1250 lbs
685.00-1100.00, 1300-1450 lbs few 700.00-825.00.
Bred Cows Medium and Large 4-6 months bred 1150-1300 lbs few
Short Bred Cows Medium and Large 1-3 months bred 1100-1350 lbs
few 475.00-775.00.
Bred Heifers Medium and Large 4-6 months bred 800 lbs individual
Cow-Calf Pairs Medium and Large 1-2 Middle Age 150-300 lbs calf
900-1100 lbs cow 675.00-875.00, Fancy individual pair 150-300 lbs calf
1200 lbs cow 1250.00.
Price and grade information is reported by USDA – Cornell University
Department of Animal Science. While market reports reflect the majority
of Livestock sold at each sale, there are instances where animals do
not fit reporting categories and are not included in this report.
Source: USDA – Cornell Dept Anim Sci, NYS Dept Ag & Mkts, Albany, NY
Levi Geyer Acting OIC / Office 717-354-2391
Sam Vanstrom / Market Reporter / Cell 716-338-6151
For all USDA Livestock and Grain market reports:
Partial funding for this project: New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets project “Stocker cattle: Using underutilized grasslands to improve economic viability of the Southern Tier while providing viable careers for beginning farmers.”
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