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Why cockroaches will rule the world

As you come back to visit the newly renovated Stocking, you might wonder ‘what happened to the cockroaches?’.  The tile is 12×12 inches.  Well known for their survival skills it is not surprising that the new Stocking Hall has some of the same residents as the old. Read more

National Science Foundation supports nano sites across the US

The National Science Foundation has awarded approximately $81M over the next five years to support a total of 16 different research sites to serve nanotechnologists across the US and the world.  The National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure will give researchers the tools to make a bunch of new nano things.  The 16 different sites involve 27 […]

Geneweave acquired by Roche

Geneweave the start up that was founded by two Batt labbers, Diego Rey and Leonardo Maestri Teixeira was bought out by Roche. Geneweave is a pioneer in the area of Smarticles which they are developing for diagnostic purposes. Their current target is antibiotic resistant bacteria which are a major problem in the health care industry. […]