Survey Regarding Farmer-Led Enterprises During Challenging Times

This survey is for Cooperative Extension educators and specialists, consultants, and staff of agencies and nonprofits, as well as others who work with farmer-owned or farmer-led enterprises such as value or supply chains, cooperatives, food hubs, and the like.

A complex array of challenges such as changing consumer demand, online purchasing, global food supply chains, weather-related issues, government-negotiated trade deals, COVID-19, and other issues are putting tremendous stresses on farmers and their organizations. We are interested in learning about the specific challenges your farm group(s) face, and your personal interest in receiving no-fee, in-service training in strategic business planning for farmer-owned or -led enterprises.

The information you provide will be used to inform the development and implementation of professional development programs. If you work with more than one farmer enterprise you can complete separate surveys regarding each. If they have similar challenges then you can just complete one survey on behalf of all of them.

This survey is voluntary and anonymous (unless you decide to share contact information). It should take less than 5 minutes to complete. Thank you for your participation!


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