Is Your Equipment Roadworthy?

It’s finally the time of year to be in the fields and getting back to work. For some of you, this means moving your machinery and equipment on public roads. Do you know what it takes for your vehicles to be ready for the road?

Let’s start with some facts.

In New York State in 2007, there were 59 collisions involving slow moving vehicles; 17 were personal injury crashes. There are approximately 15,000 crashes a year in the US (National Safety Council). More than 2/3 of the collisions involve being struck from behind, 90% take place in the daylight, and most of the time it is the farmer who dies.

These facts are not meant to scare you, but to ensure that you do whatever it takes to stay safe.

Are you ready for the road?

  • SMV: The Slow Moving Vehicle (or SMV) sign is one of the most important things to remember. This sign must be clean, visible, unobscured, and placed on all vehicles that move 25 miles per hour or less. It should be placed 2-6 feet above the ground and mounted in the center of the vehicle. If a slow moving vehicle is being transported by a non-slow moving vehicle then this sign must be removed or covered. Also, the sign cannot be placed on other things such as fences and mailboxes.
  • Lighting: Agricultural Vehicles and Equipment must be equipped with lamps of the type approved by the commissioner which are lighted and in good working order when such equipment is operated, driven, or parked on any public highway or street during the period of one-half hour after sunset to one-half hour before sunrise.
  • Traffic Laws: You are still required to follow the rules of the road. You must obey road signs, traffic lights, and land markings. If there is a line of cars behind you, the courtesy rule still stands; move over whenever possible and let them pass. Oh, and if possible–DON’T forget your seatbelt.
  • Hand Signals: Make sure you know the proper hand signals. This link will show you the hand signs for left, right, and stop when driving: and this think link will go over the other important hand signals to know when working with machinery:
  • Large Equipment: Equipment between 12 and 17 feet in width has travel limitation a half hour before sunrise to a half hour after sunset. It is required to have red or orange florescent flags and two flashing amber lights. If the load extends over the center line then an escort is also required.
  • ATV’s, RTV’s, and UTV’s: All Terrain Vehicles, Recreational Vehicles, and Utility Vehicles MUST only be used for agricultural purposes or snow plowing and NOT as toys. They must also follow SMV and lighting requirements of self-propelled farm equipment as well as follow the rules of the road.


If you would like a more detailed version of what is in this blog post, follow this link:


Stay Safe,


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