Railway Industry in France


1. Industry Overview:

In France, one of the most popular transport modes is train.  SNCF is France’s national railway, providing high speed, overnight and local services in France and beyond into Spain, Switzerland and Italy.

>> http://www.tgv-europe.com/en

Types of Train in France:






Railway industry is quite similar to airline industry, as it sells seats for a transport from an origin to a destination. The price depends on journey, class, and date of booking. Thus, railway industry can be placed in Quadrant 2, where its service has variable prices for a predictable duration. This industry also has the appropriate characteristics to apply revenue management strategies. Those characteristics are:

– Inflexible capacity: the number of seats on a train is fixed

– Variable and uncertain demand: the demand is different depending on the time of day, day of week, origin-destination pairs, and purpose of travel

– Perishable inventory: the unoccupied seat cannot be inventoried, and the revenue of that seat is missed

– Low marginal cost and high production cost

– Product can be sold in advance

– Heterogeneous customers with different segments, varying by age, purpose of travel, independent or group, etc.

However, there are some differences that make the revenue management of railway industry is little bit different than that of airline industry.

More difficult to forecast demand and to have the accurate number of travelers on a service: no check-in procedure, open tickets (rail pass) generally allow passengers to travel on any rail service, walk up tickets are very common (a large number of passengers purchase their tickets on the day from the station)

Less difficult to deal with overbooking: passengers are often allowed to stand during train journeys hence increasing capacity beyond the number of seats


 2. Space

Railway industry defines space implicitly.

Normally, a train has two classes: Economy (2nd Class) and Comfort (1st Class). The seating options and services are different for each class. The price is same for different seating options in a class.

 Economy Class:
 Comfort Class:

01-Class 1

Trains, especially TGV has “TGV bar”, which provides a wide selection of meals and sweet snacks available for purchase. Additionally, the TGV bar offers films on DVD, magazines, games for children, Paris Metro tickets, even USB sticks for purchase. There is also a rolling snack cart that comes to the customers’ seats.

01-TGV Bar

For additional revenue, TGV offers Premium service includes 1st Class seat, meal service, and access to the TGV lounge at the train stations.

Personally, I would charge difference fares for different seating options in each class. A group will want to pay more to have a Club 4 seat. A couple will want the Duo seat or Club 2 seat. And an individual traveler will want a solo seat. As the number of seat are fixed, we can charge for each option, rather than a “first comes first served” policy.

I’m also thinking about a mini-cinema on train, especially overnight train. Normally, the overnight train have load factor less than 80%, so the train can use one car to transform into a mini-cinema with a projector and a screen. When the train is busy, the car will be transformed in normal guest car again.


3. Time

Railway industry defines time implicitly.

Although the duration of a journey is determined, the railway industry sells a journey rather than specifically selling time. In addition, there may be issues that cause the increase/decrease in duration of the journey.

However, the railway industry also tries to sell time explicitly with the Rail pass. With Rail pass, customers can have unlimited travel on the national rail network of France for a fixed number of days. The choices are 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9-day pass within a one-month period. Travel days may be used consecutively or non-consecutively.  Thus, the fare becomes rate-per-day, not anymore rate-per-trip.

>> http://www.raileurope.com/rail-tickets-passes/france-pass/index.html

The industry can sell time explicitly by providing Rail pass with weekly or monthly unit. However, I think it will not be effective as it makes the demand forecasting much more complicated.  Half-day unit won’t make sense as a trip is normally more than 3 hours.


4. Price

Tickets can be purchased 60 to 120 days in advance depending on the route.

Ticket discounts are based on advance purchase, availability, and certain restrictions. Everyone is eligible to receive discounted fares by purchasing an Economy or Comfort class ticket in advance. Youth and seniors can enjoy specific discounts as well. Discounted tickets are available for youth (under 26 of age), seniors (age 60 and over) and children (generally ages 4-11) but should be verified with each product.

Price at 1 week before departure
01-Price-1st class-10AM-1wk

Price at 2 weeks before departure

01-Price-1st class-10AM-2wk

Price at 3 weeks before departure

01-Price-1st class-10AM-3wk

Price at 4 weeks before departure

01-Price-1st class-10AM-4wk

Normally, prices are reduced for 1or 2 week-advanced purchase, slightly reduced for 3-week-advanced purchased, and stay same for more-than-4-week-advanced purchase.

The physical rate fences are the classes:


The non-physical rate fences are age, season ticket, and loyalty

01-Booking-Rate Fences-1

01-Booking-Rate Fences-2

01-Booking-Rate Fences-3

01-Booking-Rate Fences-4

As the rate fences are now already too sophisticated, I would rather consolidate these fences than create new fences to confuse customers.


(-Thao Ly)






Amstrong and Messneir, 2010. Railway revenue management: Overview and Methods

Schroeder, Braun, and Schnieder. Revenue management in the railway industry


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  3. If you’re interested in starting your own business, this is the guide for you. This comprehensive guide provides everything you need to get started, from finding a business idea to growing your business. Whether you want to start a small business or take on a larger venture, we’ve got you covered. We also include helpful tips and tricks that will help make starting your own business easier and more fun. So don’t wait—start your journey today and see what starts to look like success for you!
    The first step: research your target market
    Before starting your own business, it’s important to identify your target market. Business infosearchweb This is the group of people you want to sell your product or service to. Do your research and find out what interests them most. Once you have this information, you can create a marketing strategy that will interest your target market. Section 2. How to start your own business 2. How to start your own business There are many ways to start a business, but the most common way is through entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is when someone starts their own company and makes their own decisions. There are many resources available online (like The Starter’s Guide To Entrepreneurship) that can help you get started with starting your own business. However, if you don’t have any experience or know where to start, there are also many startup accelerator programs and other businesses-starting programs available in cities across the United States.
    Get a business plan together
    2.1. How to Write a Business Plan There are a few things you need in order to write a business plan: an idea for your business, the name of your business, and the amount of money you want to raise. You can also find helpful resources online or from professional advisors. In general, the most important aspect of writing a business plan is to get it right. If you have any questions about how to create a plan or what specific steps should be taken, ask one of your advisors or check out some online resources. 2.2. What is a Business Plan? A business plan is simply a document that lists all the facts and figures about your proposed company and its future plans. It will help you understand your business better, identify potential risks and opportunities, and make decisions about how best to grow and run your company.
    Research your competition
    In order to start your own business, you need to know what type of businesses are out there and how best to compete with them. In this section, we’re going to look at the different types of businesses and their competitive advantages. There are many ways to start a business, but we’ve narrowed it down to five main methods: 1. Franchise: This is the most common way to start a business, and it involves buying a franchise from a business owner who will give you specific instructions on how to run the business. franchises can be bought in both urban and rural areas. 2. Contractor: A contractor is someone who works for you directly, usually doing tasks that are outside of your normal job duties. You sign an agreement with the contractor, which outlines the work that will be done and pays them on a regular basis. 3. Startup Fund: Startups use this type of approach when they don’t have an existing company or when they want to create their own company but don’t want any debt or startup expenses. They borrow money from investors, sell their shares (or give some of them away), and then begin operations as a self-employed business. 4. Peer-to-Peer Marketing: This method uses technology (such as social media) to connect people who want what you have (products or services) with people who have something similar wanted. Then, these people can buy or rent from the person selling products or services online). 5. Franchisee System: This approach involves purchasing a franchise from someone else who has already started a successful franchiseeship process.
    Create a budget and target timeline
    In order to start your own business, you’ll need a budget and timeline. In general, the first step is to create a budget and then target it specifically to your business goals. Once you have a rough idea of how much money you want to spend on your business, it’s time to start figuring out how you can use that money to help achieve those goals. One of the most important factors in setting a successful business goal is having realistic expectations. If you think your business will be profitable within a certain timeframe, by all means set a goal for profitability. However, if you don’t think your business will make any money until much later in the timeline, set a less ambitious goal instead. This way, you won’t get too tense about not making any progress at all and can focus on taking care of the day-to-day operations of your business while still trying to achieve future profits. Once you have an idea of what kind of expenses your business will need in order to reach profitability, it’s time to establish some basic financial figures. Establishing these figures shouldn’t be difficult – just take into account your average sales price per unit sold and divide that figure by the number of units that you expect to sell each month once your campaign starts up (assuming there are no changes in market conditions). Once you have this information, it becomes easier to develop specific budget targets for each category of expenses (such as marketing or development costs). In order for your campaign to succeed, it’s essential that both yourself and your team are dedicated and committed thereto. In order for everyone on board with the vision and goals of your startup enterprise, it can be tough enough trying to keep everyone organized without also trying to micromanage everything (which may or may not be possible). To make things even more challenging, starting up a small business often requires close collaboration between team members from different departments or fields – which can lead to tension or conflict over who gets their hands on which resources or tasks. To make sure everything is moving along smoothly and everyone is getting their fair share of work done, it makes sense try out some tips below: 1) Break down tasks into smaller objectives/components so everyone can focus on one task at a time; 2) Use communication tools like email templates or chatbots so everyone can stay connected; 3) Promote/advertise regularly on social media platforms so team members know what they need to focus on in order for their project(s)not bogging down; 4) Let team members handleprojects where they feel comfortable doing so (instead of micromanaging them); 5) Respect personal boundaries – allow team members room for growth without feeling threatened or bossy.
    Make a list of the key strategies you will use to succeed
    In order to start your own business, you will need to have a few key strategies. In this section, we will discuss the five most important strategies for starting a business.
    Work on your marketing strategy
    To start your own business, it’s important to have a solid marketing strategy in place. This means understanding your target market andtargeting your advertising and marketing efforts accordingly. You can also use market research to helpyou determine which channels are most effective for reaching your target audience. Additionally, you need to create an effective website anddesign a strong social media presence. Make sure all of these elements are in place before launching your business venture!
    Launch your business
    The first step in starting a business is researching your target market. Once you have that information, it’s important to create a business plan and set a timeline. Next, research your competition to see what strategies they are using and how you can use those same techniques to succeed. Finally, make sure you have the necessary resources and tools for your business- such as a budget and timeline- before launching your venture. With these key steps in place, you will be able to start selling products on popular marketplaces like Amazon or eBay!

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  5. If you’re interested in starting your own business, this is the guide for you. This comprehensive guide provides everything you need to get started, from finding a business idea to growing your business. Whether you want to start a small business or take on a larger venture, we’ve got you covered. We also include helpful tips and tricks that will help make starting your own business easier and more fun. So don’t wait—start your journey today and see what starts to look like success for you!
    The first step: research your target market
    Before starting your own business, it’s important to identify your target market. Business Infosearchweb This is the group of people you want to sell your product or service to. Do your research and find out what interests them most. Once you have this information, you can create a marketing strategy that will interest your target market. Section 2. How to start your own business 2. How to start your own business There are many ways to start a business, but the most common way is through entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is when someone starts their own company and makes their own decisions. There are many resources available online (like The Starter’s Guide To Entrepreneurship) that can help you get started with starting your own business. However, if you don’t have any experience or know where to start, there are also many startup accelerator programs and other businesses-starting programs available in cities across the United States.
    Get a business plan together
    2.1. How to Write a Business Plan There are a few things you need in order to write a business plan: an idea for your business, the name of your business, and the amount of money you want to raise. You can also find helpful resources online or from professional advisors. In general, the most important aspect of writing a business plan is to get it right. If you have any questions about how to create a plan or what specific steps should be taken, ask one of your advisors or check out some online resources. 2.2. What is a Business Plan? A business plan is simply a document that lists all the facts and figures about your proposed company and its future plans. It will help you understand your business better, identify potential risks and opportunities, and make decisions about how best to grow and run your company.
    Research your competition
    In order to start your own business, you need to know what type of businesses are out there and how best to compete with them. In this section, we’re going to look at the different types of businesses and their competitive advantages. There are many ways to start a business, but we’ve narrowed it down to five main methods: 1. Franchise: This is the most common way to start a business, and it involves buying a franchise from a business owner who will give you specific instructions on how to run the business. franchises can be bought in both urban and rural areas. 2. Contractor: A contractor is someone who works for you directly, usually doing tasks that are outside of your normal job duties. You sign an agreement with the contractor, which outlines the work that will be done and pays them on a regular basis. 3. Startup Fund: Startups use this type of approach when they don’t have an existing company or when they want to create their own company but don’t want any debt or startup expenses. They borrow money from investors, sell their shares (or give some of them away), and then begin operations as a self-employed business. 4. Peer-to-Peer Marketing: This method uses technology (such as social media) to connect people who want what you have (products or services) with people who have something similar wanted. Then, these people can buy or rent from the person selling products or services online). 5. Franchisee System: This approach involves purchasing a franchise from someone else who has already started a successful franchiseeship process.
    Create a budget and target timeline
    In order to start your own business, you’ll need a budget and timeline. In general, the first step is to create a budget and then target it specifically to your business goals. Once you have a rough idea of how much money you want to spend on your business, it’s time to start figuring out how you can use that money to help achieve those goals. One of the most important factors in setting a successful business goal is having realistic expectations. If you think your business will be profitable within a certain timeframe, by all means set a goal for profitability. However, if you don’t think your business will make any money until much later in the timeline, set a less ambitious goal instead. This way, you won’t get too tense about not making any progress at all and can focus on taking care of the day-to-day operations of your business while still trying to achieve future profits. Once you have an idea of what kind of expenses your business will need in order to reach profitability, it’s time to establish some basic financial figures. Establishing these figures shouldn’t be difficult – just take into account your average sales price per unit sold and divide that figure by the number of units that you expect to sell each month once your campaign starts up (assuming there are no changes in market conditions). Once you have this information, it becomes easier to develop specific budget targets for each category of expenses (such as marketing or development costs). In order for your campaign to succeed, it’s essential that both yourself and your team are dedicated and committed thereto. In order for everyone on board with the vision and goals of your startup enterprise, it can be tough enough trying to keep everyone organized without also trying to micromanage everything (which may or may not be possible). To make things even more challenging, starting up a small business often requires close collaboration between team members from different departments or fields – which can lead to tension or conflict over who gets their hands on which resources or tasks. To make sure everything is moving along smoothly and everyone is getting their fair share of work done, it makes sense try out some tips below: 1) Break down tasks into smaller objectives/components so everyone can focus on one task at a time; 2) Use communication tools like email templates or chatbots so everyone can stay connected; 3) Promote/advertise regularly on social media platforms so team members know what they need to focus on in order for their project(s)not bogging down; 4) Let team members handleprojects where they feel comfortable doing so (instead of micromanaging them); 5) Respect personal boundaries – allow team members room for growth without feeling threatened or bossy.
    Make a list of the key strategies you will use to succeed
    In order to start your own business, you will need to have a few key strategies. In this section, we will discuss the five most important strategies for starting a business.
    Work on your marketing strategy
    To start your own business, it’s important to have a solid marketing strategy in place. This means understanding your target market andtargeting your advertising and marketing efforts accordingly. You can also use market research to helpyou determine which channels are most effective for reaching your target audience. Additionally, you need to create an effective website anddesign a strong social media presence. Make sure all of these elements are in place before launching your business venture!
    Launch your business
    The first step in starting a business is researching your target market. Once you have that information, it’s important to create a business plan and set a timeline. Next, research your competition to see what strategies they are using and how you can use those same techniques to succeed. Finally, make sure you have the necessary resources and tools for your business- such as a budget and timeline- before launching your venture. With these key steps in place, you will be able to start selling products on popular marketplaces like Amazon or eBay!

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