Professional development is important for all levels of staff. Listed below are resources available, online to support professional development opportunities.
Working With Human SubjectsWorking with Human Subjects
The training below is available to support the introduction of new frontline staff to the expectations of working with program participants, including access to program data. This training is completed as a self-study. Upon completion, schedule a meeting with your Regional Coordinator to review the training and study guide. Upon this being completed, the Regional Coordinator will notify campus. At which time, you will be forwarded a link to complete the online assessment. Once completed, you must notify campus of your success, providing the screen-shot of your results. You will then be added to WebNEERS and the EFNEP Data Secure Server, if appropriate.
If completing this training outside of NFS on the eCornell platform, the eCornell Module is required, as well.
Human Subjects Training: Working with Program Participants
Study Video Segments & Supporting PowerPoint Slides
- Video – Part 1 and Supporting Slides
- Video – Part 2 and Supporting Slides
- Video – Part 3 and Supporting Slides
Participant Study Guide - English - Spanish
Seven Steps of Planning and Facilitator Key
Slide Script - English - Spanish
Tools and Resources
- Forms used with Adult and Young Adult Program Participants
Adult Enrollment/Entry, Adult Exit, Behavior Questionnaires, 24-Hour Diet Recall
- One-Day Food Recall Summary Report
- Participant Questionnaire Summary Report
Additional Resources
Policy and Procedure Manual – sections 100, 300, 700 and 900
Expectations for Staff Training when working with Human Subjects
All staff employed through FNEC programming, who have access to or review participant information, must participate in an Institutional Review Board (IRB) training and successfully demonstrated, through an on-line assessment, their understanding of the concepts addressed in the training.
Nutrition Managers, Supervisors/Regional Coordinators, and Student Interns:
New Managers, Supervisors/Regional Coordinators or those needing to renew certification
must complete the Cornell University Institutional Review Board (IRB) approved assessment, once every 5 years.
- Complete the Cornell University IRB-Basic – Stage 2 training at CITI Program – accessed through the Cornell University IRB Site
Please note the CITI Program is affiliated with Cornell University, but the assessment is not housed on a Cornell Univerisity site. Instructions for completing your registration and/or renewal are included as CITI Instructions.- Student interns working through Cooperative Extension must either take the CITI Cornell University IRB approved assessment for Social and Behavioral Research or successfully document that they have completed a comparable IRB from their own University.
- Notify and provide Michelle Scott-Pierce a copy of the completed certification.
Frontline and data entry staff:
New Staff will:
must participate in the FNEC developed training and successfully complete the on-line assessment.NFS Cohort Leader or Regional Coordinator will notify campus of successful completion of training
- Complete eCornell Navigating for Success (NFS) Module on Working with Human Subjects.
Staff who are employed off-cycle for the start of eCornell NFS may complete a Stand-alone Human Subjects Training. This stand-alone training does not take the place of the NFS Module, but is provided for those who need access to participant information before completing NFS.
- Complete the online assessment, linked here.
FNEC Refresher Training
Each year, the Frontline and data entry staff will complete a refresher training.Important Information/Reminders
Frontline staff cannot access the online assessment to complete their Human Subjects training until Regional Coordinators notifies campus that the Working with Human Subjects training linked above or the eCornell Navigating for Success module for Working with Program Participants has been completed.
Navigating for SuccessNavigating For Success has moved to eCornell!
We are happy to announce the launch of Navigating for Success initial EFNEP training as an eCornell online course!
All newly hired frontline staff working for the Expended Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) are required to participate in the Navigating for Success (NFS) training. Newly hired or newly assigned supervisory staff may also participate in NFS. SNAP-Ed and other program staff are also welcomed to participate in NFS training, however all training examples are EFNEP based.
In keeping with our original goals for NFS, participation in this course prepares staff to deliver effective lessons and presentations; and explores current nutrition research, resources, and recommendations; principles of food safety and food resource management; best practices in teaching adult and youth learners in a variety of settings; marketing and communication strategies; and proper data collection procedures.
The delivery format of NFS consists of 17 modules, completed in 12 weeks. Each week new modules are activated for completion. Each module has associated workbook tasks and follow up activities that should be completed during the week. There is also a weekly Zoom cohort discussion with a course facilitator. The eCornell platform allows for individual completion of assigned activities, discussions with peers, and practical application of content in the module. The cohort discussions provide an opportunity for staff to share insights, check understanding and further explore programming ideas.
The eCornell registration portal is used to register for NFS and can be accessed at:
Payment is processed directly through eCornell portal. When invoicing for EFNEP Staff's expense, through your normal CCE Administration invoicing procedure, use the form linked here to receive reimbursement.
Joan Paddock, PhD, RD
Delivering Lessons Via ZoomData Collection – Electronic Data Collection for WebNEERS
This webinar has been developed to demonstrate the process of electronic data collection via Zoom using Qualtrics links.Training Series
- Introduction to Training Series (~3 min)
- Introduces the training series and provides an overview of the individual vignettes
- Introducing the Participants to the EFNEP Series on Zoom (~10 min)
- Demonstrates the process of introducing EFNEP, the nutrition education series, and the features of Zoom.
- Welcoming Participants to the Session or Lesson (~8 min)
- Demonstrates the process of introducing the session in a series.
- Introducing the Data Collection Process and Collecting the Informed Consent (~10 min)
- Demonstrates the introduction of the data collection process and collecting the Informed Consent via Qualtrics
- Collecting the Enrollment Demographic Data (~13 min)
- Demostrates the process of collecting the enrollment demographic data via Qualtrics
- Collecting the Behavior Questionnaires (~32 min)
- Demonstrates the process of collecting the enrollment behavior questionnaire via Qualtrics
- Collecting the Exit Data (~13 min)
- Demonstrates setting the stage for collecting the Exit data via Qualtrics.
Diabetes Training (The Power To Help)The Power to Help: Diabetes In-Service for Frontline Staff of Cornell Cooperative Extension
Frontline staff are faced with increasing number of participants whose lives are affected by diabetes. This training, linked above, is designed to provide a base of knowledge to paraprofessionals about diabetes and how nutrition is an important piece of diabetes management. Additionally, the training highlights ways that paraprofessionals can provide assistance to participants affected by diabetes while remaining within their scope of practice.
This training requires two full training days.
Training Outline
Introduction- Day One
- Normal Digestion and Metabolism
- Metabolism with Diabetes
- Diagnosis of Diabetes
- Different Types of Diabetes
- Avoiding Complications – How Diabetes is Treated
- Drugs and Diabetes
- Active Living with Diabetes
Introduction- Day Two
- Getting Started with Meal Planning
- Carbohydrate Counting
- The Diabetic Exchange System
- The Plate Method – Wrap-up for Meal Planning
- Specialty Foods Dilemma
- The Power to Help: Scope of Practice for Frontline Staff
Diabetes Webinar (recorded March 2015)
Learning Objectives
- Part 1: What’s going on in the body
- Examine what changes occur in the body when a person develops diabetes
- Discover what differentiates Type 1, Type 2 and gestational diabetes
- Explore what complications can occur with uncontrolled diabetes
- Part 2: What you can do!
- Examine the different food groups that make up the Healthy Diabetes Plate
- Learn label reading skills that are particularly useful for those with diabetes
- Determine the benefits of being physically active when managing diabetes
- Explore actions and responsibilities that are within appropriate scope of practice
Food Allergen TrainingFrontline staff are expected to use food tastings and preparations as part of learning experiences, and therefore need to be aware of potential food allergies and sensitivities and how to avoid accidentally exposing participants to known allergens. This involves skilled label reading, proper food handling procedures and multiple other techniques that are covered within this training. This training requires a full training day. The link above provides access to the training documents. Additional materials, such as the related policies and procedures, will need to be added to the provided materials.
If you are in need of this training, reach out to your Regional Coordinator.
Professional Development OpportunitiesIdentify the steps to increase enrollment of eligible EFNEP participants.
Link to EFNEP Marketing and Recruiting Materials.
Youth Development TrainingRecommended Youth Development Training
Positive Youth Development Training
Positive Youth Development 101
- 10-hour training on positive youth development for new youth work professionals
Positive Youth Development 101 Online
- Six 30-minute, interactive courses to introduce various aspects of PYD to youth work professionals, volunteers, and advocates
PYD Network Webinars
- Recorded webinars on various aspects of positive youth development, such as this on behavior management (see link for others):
- Webinar Recording: Engaging Youth, Not Managing Youth!
- Behavior Management Techniques (handout)
- Engaging Youth, Not Managing Youth! (slides)
Promoting Healthy Kids After School: Tips, Tools and Strategies
- Recommended national guidelines, strategies, and other resources to support healthy choices in after-school programs and prevent excess weight gain in youth.
- Healthy Kids Afterschool resource list
- Webinar: Healthy Kids slides
WebNEERS - 101Web-Based Nutrition Education Evaluation Reporting System Training (WebNEERS)
Learning Objectives
This webinar is designed to help staff understand:
- What WebNEERS Is
- Whose Responsibility It Is
- How to Access It
- How to Use It
Please note:
The Webinar can be viewed in its entirety or individual vignettes can be viewed.
Supporting Materials are linked with the related topic.WebNEERS Training - – (~56 minutes) —- Presentation Slides
Introduction Vignette - (<1 minute) — No Slides Provided
- What Is WebNEERS Vignette - (<2 minutes) — Presentation Slides
Supporting Links or Materials
- Who Is Responsible Vignette - (<2 minutes) — Presentation Slides
Supporting Links or Materials
- Data Collection Forms - Adult/Young Adult and Youth
- Data Collection Processes – See Adult/Young Adult and Youth
- Printable Checklists - See Adult/Young Adult and Youth
- Data Submission Processes – Best Practices
- Accessing WebNEERS Vignette - (<6 minutes) — Presentation Slides
Individual Vignettes
Human Subject Training Requirement Vignette – (~1 minute) — Presentation Slides
Being Added to WebNEERS Vignette – (~1 minute) — Presentation Slides
WebNEERS Permissions Vignette – (< 1 minute) — Presentation Slides
EFNEP Website Vignette – (< 1 minute) — Presentation Slides
Log In to WebNEERS Vignette – (~ 1 minute) — Presentation Slides
WebNEERS Screen Review Vignette – (~ 1 minute) — Presentation Slides
- Using WebNEERS
Reports to Use with Program Participants Vignette – (~14 minutes) — Presentation Slides
Individual Vignettes
- One-Day Food Recall Summary Vignette- (~12 minutes) — Presentation Slides
- Questionnaire Summary Vignette- (~2 minutes) — Presentation Slides
Reports for Use by Staff – Adults and Youth Vignette – (~9 minutes) — Presentation Slides
Individual vignettes
- List of Families by Staff Vignette- (~7 minutes) —Presentation Slides
- Youth Group Leader Vignette- (~2 minutes) —Presentation Slides
Summary Reports Vignette – (~15 minutes) — Presentation Slides
Individual vignettes
- Adult Summary Report Vignette- (~6 minutes) — Presentation Slides
- Diet Summary Report Vignette- (~2 minutes) — Presentation Slides
- Questionnaire Summary Report Vignette- (~3 minutes) — Presentation Slides
- Youth Summary Report Vignette- (~2 minutes) — Presentation Slides
- Youth Questionnaire Summary Report Vignette- (~2 minutes) — Presentation Slides
- Staff Status Report Vignette- (~1 minute) — Presentation Slides
Program Impact Report Vignette – (~8 minutes) — Presentation Slides
Training Conclusion- (<1 minute) - No slides provided
Please complete the training assessment, linked above, and submit it to Once submitted, you will recieve a Certificate of Completion!
Choose Health: Food, Fun and Fitness (CHFFF)