Welcome to the New and Improved Internal FNEC Webpage.
These pages provide access to all materials to successfully implement EFNEP and are searchable.
Select the colored box to see the content within.
AudiencesThe links below provide access to all program delivery, data collection, reporting, and documentation expectations associated with EFNEP nutrition education program delivery. The pages provide checklists for quality, communication documentation and best practices, as well as tools and materials to support the data collection and reporting process.
Don't forget to use the search function, if the information being sought is not quickly located.
Adult and Young Adult Audiences
Approved Curricula for use with Adult and Young Adult Audiences.
Approved Curricula for use in Youth Group Education – grades 3rd – 12th
Management and Quality Assurance ResourcesSelect this link to be forwarded to the Management and Quality Assurance Resources and Tools.
These tools and resources include but are not limited to the information linked below.
- Lesson observation forms
- Potential frontline staff interview questions
- Educator Checklist
- Outreach Tracking Sheet
- Nutrition Supervisor Quarterly Checklist
- Performance Dialogues
- Chart/Record Review Form
- Time Tracking example – secure correct form from Regional Data Manager (Metropolitan staff time tracking)
- Assessing progress toward meeting Quantitative Criteria:
- Calculate Hours and Project Caseload, and Track Progress toward Quantitative Criteria
*Note: These tasks have been integrated into the EFNEP Budget Projection Workbook but provided here as a stand-alone option.- Program Resources
- Marketing and Recruiting Materials
- Policies, Procedures and Guidelines
- Training Information
- EFNEP Funding: Association and Regional located on the Management page.
Communicating our Value: Print and Digital MaterialsSelect this link to access the marketing and recruiting materials.
Policies, Procedures, and Guidance
FNEC Policy and Procedure Manual
The policies and procedures for EFNEP through Cornell University, Division of Nutritional Sciences, Food and Nutrition Education in Communities.
The FNEC Sweetened Beverage Guidance document clarifies information for educators regarding recommendations related to sugar-sweetened beverages, water, milk and 100%juice. This document is not intended to be used as a handout with participants.
National EFNEP Program, Resources, and Guidelines
This above link provides information about EFNEP, the national policies and procedures, as well as additional resources and guidance to help with EFNEP implementation.
Is Our Goal.
See FNEC Policy and Procedure Manual – Section 400.8 Staff Safety when working with program participants.
Use Outlook, instructions here, to ensure supervisors know where staff are, where they are going, and with whom they will be meeting.Guidelines for Healthy Meetings:
New York State Department of HealthProgram and Nutrition ResourcesSelect this link to access the Program Resources and Tools page.
The information located on this page include tip sheets, video resources, core message files, best practices for program delivery etc.Physical Activity Ideas / Worksite WellnessPhysical activity is an integral part of the learning experience.
See Adult and Young Adult and Youth physical activity policies.
Access Physical Activity ideas and Worksite Wellness ideas here.
Recipes approved for Use with EFNEP AudiencesTraining and Professional DevelopmentSelect this link to access available training and professional development opportunities, include eCornell Navigating for Success (eNFS).
Farmers' Market Nutrition ProgramFood PreservationSelect this link to access the Food Preservation page.
EFNEP participant records are subject to review and audit.
State staff and Regional Coordinators will review the records periodically during program site reviews and/or technical assistance visits. This policy, in conjunction with Sections 400 and 500, helps to ensure that records clearly track program planning, delivery, and evaluation.
All participant records must be filed and/or stored in a locked/secure location.
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