Pop Quiz with Olivier Ducharme M.Arch ’21

Olivier Ducharme has completed his B.Sc. in Architecture at McGill University in Montreal and has interned in the past for Perkins Eastman in NYC. Photo / Linsen Chai

Every second Monday we will be featuring a current student/staff at Cornell AAP NYC to get a bit of insight into the people that make the program. These are meant to be fun and casual and by no means are they supposed to be “too” serious.

LC: Give us a bit of background on you. If you were to have to write your Tinder profile right now what would it say?

OD: Coffee addict and Croc wearer. OG Canadian, apologetic by nature with an irrational love for snow, currently not understanding why it’s summer here in NYC. [Sightings of Olivier usually comes with whiffs of hazelnut coffee, a grin, and an ensuing dad joke.] {claps}

LC: Architecture or Architorture; How do you balance your life-work here in NYC?

OD: As a wise friend once told me… Healthy self, healthy work. Understanding where to stop and let go has become a key part in navigating through architecture graduate school, especially here in New York City. Cooking became my happy spot where I make time for myself.

LC: Best NYC moment (i.e. a subway rat stole my lunch…)?

OD: That moment you end up designing a New York penitentiary as your first job assignment here… Haha, there is such a contrast from where I grew up [Hometown: Kingsey Falls, Quebec; look it up they probably made your paper, but unlikely to be the ones you use on the loo.]. Studying/working and living in New York has been nothing but great, always discovering new food with new and old friends. I probably don’t have a particular moment but the whole experience is really out of this world. Showing my parents around when they visited was one of those highlights.

LC: Finally, if you were to write a script of the next three to five years of your life what would that look like?

Settling in New York while getting licensed and adopting a Siamese cat named Devine. [Not pronounced divine, means guess in French. “What’s the name of your cat? Guess…” get it?]


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