Past Camps

WebAIM Training – Monday, August 6, 2018

8:00am – 9:00am: Breakfast on the 2nd Floor of the ILR Conference Center

9:00am – 12:30pm

WebAIM’s Training for Content Contributor Training

Cost $50  Location: 305 Ives Hall

Tools and Resources can be found at the bottom of the page.

If you update websites or write content for websites then join us for WebAIM’s Training for Content Contributors. Please bring a laptop if you are able to, this is meant to be a working session.

Topics that will be covered include:

  • Introduction to accessibility guidelines
  • Overview of legal requirements and guidelines
  • Auditory disabilities
    • Captions and transcripts for multimedia
  • Visual disabilities
    • Contrast and color reliance
    • How screen readers work
    • Headings
    • Images
    • Miscellaneous markup (lists, page titles, frame/iframe titles)
  • Motor disabilities
    • Considerations for voice control software
    • Keyboard navigation
    • Meaningful link text
  • Cognitive and learning disabilities
    • Usability and accessibility considerations
  • Photosensitive epilepsy
  • Evaluating web accessibility
    • Principles and methodologies for evaluation and user testing
    • WAVE and other automated tools
    • Using a checklist
    • Keyboard testing
    • Screen reader testing
    • Contrast and Color reliance
  • Overview of Microsoft Office and PDF accessibility


12:30pm – 1:30pm Lunch is located on the 2nd and 4th Floor of the ILR Conference Center

1:30pm – 4:30pm

WebAIM’s Training for Developers/Designers *

* You must attend the WebAIM’s Training Content Contributors in order to attend the Developers/Designers session.

Cost $50  Location: 305 Ives Hall

WebAIM’s afternoon session is for designers and developers. This will be a working session so please bring your laptop.

Topics that will be covered include:

  • Odds & Ends
    • Fonts and text
    • Language
  • Tables
  • Forms
    • Correct input types
    • Form labels
    • Complex forms – ARIA labels and descriptions, aria-required, aria-invalid, etc.)
    • Form validation and error recovery
  • Complex images: Image sprites, CSS background, icon fonts
    • Visually hiding content
  • JavaScript event handlers and device independence
    • Time-sensitive and dynamic content
  • CSS and responsive web design
  • Tabindex
  • Modal and non-modal dialogs (contextual help, error messaging, etc.) and alerts
  • Carousels and dynamically updating (AJAX) content
  • Understanding accessibility APIs for widget and application accessibility
  • ARIA
    • Rules for ARIA use
    • Roles, states, and properties
    • Application and widget accessibility

To register visit CU Learn WebAIM’s Training for Designers/Developers

Tools and Resources

The following tools and resources will be referenced during the training:

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Free Sessions at Cornell University Web Accessibility Camp

  • 8:00am Check In and Continental Breakfast at ILR Conference Center located on the 2nd and 4th Floors
  • 9:00am Web Accessibility Panel at 305 Ives Hall: A review and discussion of the current accessibility efforts happening at Cornell, why accessibility is critical to the mission of the university, and departmental and individual strategies for success to ensure WCAG 2.0 AA compliance.
    Session Moderator: Brandon Brylinsky, Electronic IT Accessibility Coordinator
    Shannon Osburn, Asst. Director Custom Development, CIT
    Dan Dickinson, Assoc. Director Web Communications, Weill Cornell Medicine
    Angela Winfield, Director of Inclusion and Workforce Diversity
    Katherine “Kappy” Fahey, Director of Student Disability Services
    Wendy Strobel Gower, Director of the Northeast ADA Center
    Michael Creim, Current PhD/JD student
  • 10:00am Break, snacks provided on the 2nd and 4th Floors of the ILR Conference Center

Tuesday Sessions Information


Session 1: 10:30am – Noon

Room* Session Name
111 Ives PDF Busting
217 Ives Testing and Correcting Color Contrast
225 ILR Procurement Process & Accessibility
423 ILR Siteimprove Overview
425 ILR Links, Headings, Images Oh My!
525 ILR Auto Captioning & Editing with Video on Demand

12:00pm Lunch provided on the 2nd and 4th Floors of the ILR Conference Center

Session 2: 1:00pm – 2:30pm

Room* Session Name
225 ILR Super Functional and Compliant: Filters, Carousels, and More
217 Ives Testing for Compliance: Where to Begin
215 Ives Procurement Process & Accessibility
423 ILR Links, Headings, Images Oh My!
425 ILR Siteimprove for Power Users
525 ILR Using the Checklist?

2:30pm – 3:00pm Afternoon Break: Coffee and Snacks on the 2nd and 4th Floor of the ILR Conference Center

Session 3: 3:00pm – 4:30pm

Room* Session Name
217 Ives PDF Busting!
225 ILR Testing and Correcting Color Contrast
215 Ives Siteimprove Office Hours
423 ILR Testing for Compliance: Where to Begin
425 ILR Super Functional and Compliant: Filters, Carousels, and More
525 ILR Auto Captioning & Editing with Video on Demand

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Free Sessions at Cornell University Web Accessibility Camp

Wednesday Sessions Information


Session 1: 10:30am – Noon

Room* Session Name
217 Ives PDF Busting
215 Ives Testing and Correcting Color Contrast
423 ILR Walking a Tightrope: Finding a Balance of Automated and Manual Testing with SiteImprove
425 ILR Where to Begin with Testing for Compliance
525 ILR Auto Captioning & Editing with Video on Demand

12:00pm – 1:00pm Lunch provided on the 2nd and 4th Floor of the ILR Conference Center

Session 2: 1:00pm – 2:30pm

Room* Session Name
225 ILR Using the Checklist
215 Ives Super Functional and Compliant: Filters, Carousels, and More
217 Ives Procurement Process & Accessibility
423 ILR Links, Headings, Images Oh My!
425 ILR Testing for Compliance: Where to Begin
525 ILR Siteimprove for Power Users

2:30pm – 3:00m Afternoon Break: Coffee and Snacks on the 2nd and 4th Floor of the ILR Conference Center

Session 3: 3:00pm – 4:30pm

Room* Session Name
423 ILR PDF Busting!
217 Ives Super Functional and Compliant: Filters, Carousels, and More
215 Ives Siteimprove Office Hours
225 ILR Links, Headings, Images Oh My!
425 ILR Testing for Compliance: Where to Begin
525 ILR Auto Captioning & Editing with Video on Demand

2018 Session Descriptions

Auto Captioning & Editing with Video on Demand

Do you need captioning for your streaming video or other time-based media? This session starts with an overview of WCAG AA guidelines and caption types before jumping into the details about each type of media you might need captioning for. We then discuss the options you have for on-demand captions and live and webinar captions. Finally, we will teach you how to write audio descriptions.

Links, Headings, Images Oh My!

In this session, you’ll learn what to watch for when designing and evaluating common web elements. Specifically, there are common practices surrounding links, headings, and images that are not accessibility-friendly, and there are alternatives you can adopt. Links are simple enough with proper link texts and references; headings should serve their purpose, with correct semantics in code and succinct text; images, however, convey lots of information and complex relationships, so we will show you how to modify them depending on their type and complexity. Keeping these tips in mind will help you navigate tricky situations so you don’t have to compromise the depth and complexity of your site. Please bring your laptop, and come prepared with a website to work on.

PDF Busting: If the PDF files on your site require remediation, no worries. We will first take a bird’s-eye view of the three dominant issues to consider: mobility/dexterity, lower vision, and blind/visual impairment. Then we introduce four key aspects to web accessibility you need to keep in mind before moving on to more concrete remediation steps, such as creating titles and accessible forms. We’ll also show you how Siteimprove can help with your PDF remediation, as well as other tips and considerations. Please bring your laptop, and come prepared to work on a PDF with Adobe Acrobat Pro.

Procurement Process & Accessibility: If you are responsible for procuring web technologies in your unit join us to learn how to have a conversation about accessibility with your vendor and what to do with their replies.

Siteimprove Office Hours: Stop by Siteimprove Office Hours and get hands-on help with any questions you might have about how Siteimprove can help you make your site more accessible.

Siteimprove Overview: Cornell has an enterprise license with Siteimprove, a service that scans Cornell web pages for accessibility and quality assurance issues. The service provides complete visibility across your content quality and performance and shows you how to make improvements in these areas. This session is intended for beginners or new users to Siteimprove, and we will cover the following:

  • How to access Siteimprove, and overview of tools available in the service
  • Domain configuration, what that means for you site
  • Using Quality Assurance to fix broken links, misspellings, and readability issues
  • Running Accessibility reports and measuring progress towards compliance
  • Overview of Policy, Search Engine Optimization, and Usability tools
  • Questions for Siteimprove

Please bring your laptop, and come prepared with a website to work on.

Siteimprove for Power Users: Already an experienced Siteimprove User? Then this session is for you! In our Power Users session, you will learn how to take Siteimprove to the next level by reviewing some advanced features across the Platform.

  • Overview of Policy, and how to configure advanced Policies on your sites
  • Custom report configuration and sending these to your users
  • Advanced settings for adding and removing Pages/PDF documents from the scans
  • Setting up Feedback surveys and other features in the new Usability module
  • Available add-on modules for your websites: Siteimprove Analytics, GDPR, SEO Pro/Enterprise

Please bring your laptop, and come prepared with a website to work on.

Testing for Compliance: Where to Begin

If your team is stumped as to how to begin testing for compliance, this session first provides an overview of everyone’s role and a plan for evaluation to get you grounded and motivated. Then we will move on to tests that help you analyze important aspects of your site while applying the methodology we just introduced. After documenting the findings from those tests, we will prioritize issues based on severity and start a remediation plan to ensure maximum efficiency. Additionally, to make sure your site continues to be accessible, we’ll show you how to continuously monitor for new issues and reevaluate past efforts. Please bring your laptop, and come prepared with a website to work on.

Testing and Correcting Color Contrast

Testing and correcting for color deficiencies sounds straightforward but requires an eye to detail. We will first start with a review of WCAG guidelines and testing methodologies. Of course, since no single testing tool is perfect in every scenario, we’ll show you how to choose the best one for each scenario. We’ll also go over examples of good contrast and bad ones, to give you a taste of what to expect from your tests. We’ll conclude by answering questions about any issues you’ve encountered. Please bring your laptop, and come prepared with a website to work on.

Using the Checklist

This session will include an overview of WCAG 2.0 and its principles, as well as automated vs manual testing. Next, we will review the WebAIM checklist and why we are using it. This checklist is essential to ensuring your website or web application meets all AA areas. We will walk through the checklist and answer any questions you have along the way.

Walking a Tightrope: Finding a Balance of Automated and Manual Testing

In this session we will cover some of the factors and considerations of trying to achieve a balance between automated and manual testing. Automated accessibility testing is not a substitute for manual testing, but an important part of a successful accessibility plan. We will help you understand how different tools can add efficiencies to your workflow and the strengths and weaknesses of both manual and automated testing. By using both, you can achieve greater accessibility for your site.  Please bring your laptop, and come prepared with a website to work on.

Super Functional and Compliant: Filters, Carousels, and More

Learn how to make some of the more complex features you find on websites today accessible. The more complex the feature, the more care you need to ensure all will be able to use it. Please bring your laptop, and come prepared with a website to work on.