Dairy free? Gluten Free? Vegan? Vegetarian? Meat Lover? Kosher?

Welcome to Carl Becker House!  Where you will find an eclectic variety of these foods on a daily basis with dietary restriction requests made to order…. only a few “short” minutes walk to Kosher Dining and Chef Kevin Moore’s fabulous Kosher foods that are not available at Becker.  Hope to see you meet you soon at Becker! Yum!!

4 day vegan

imageAt Becker with Cornell Vegan Society reps. Good conversation. Thank you Tony for a good dinner.  Than you ladies for many insights.


Helpful staff make the difference

Devon Langstaff, a lead cook in Becker House, really knows her ingredients and food allergens. She can direct customers to exactly what foods they can eat.  Additionally, Becker house has a “behind the counter” self serve gluten-free station for making pizza, sandwiches, & bagels; and there are always vegan pies that help the gluten-dairy free diners feel included in the dessert scene

Devon knows her ingredients and allergens!

Devon knows her ingredients and allergens!


Spicy and yummy on West

Chicken Sicilian and Beef and black bean chilli were spicy and good today at Becker–no gluten; no dairy.

Spicy Chicken Sicilian

Spicy Chicken Sicilian

Spicy b & b chilli

Spicy b & b chilli

Amazing lunch down on West…Becker House Kicked it Up!

A beautiful mix of Sauteed  kale and Chinese broccoli with tofu

A beautiful mix of Sauteed kale and Chinese broccoli with tofu

Wednesday lunch time I sent out an email to my team and was joined by Melissa, Chef Cathy, and Chef Bryan at Becker House. I walked around to really check out what I was going to be able to eat. This process has made so much more aware of what I am eating and really thinking about my choices overall. I looked at Melissa and say WOW…we can eat almost everything here today! There were a ton of vegan options and they all looked really beautiful. I was excited to to be having my lunch with my teammates and to have some time to talk with the chefs about the food. Chef Tony stopped by our table to say hello and ask how everything was, I was very happy to tell him how great my lunch was and how impressed I was with all of the options.

There was a very appealing salad bar with lots of fresh veggies and a couple composed grain salads that looked delicious and sparked my interest immediately. But I have to say the star of the day was the fresh greens sauteed with hot peppers and tofu. The flavor was quite outstanding and the colors of the dish were just beautiful. You could tell by the cuts and the presentation that this super healthy, tasty dish was given some thought and the care and that time was given into its preparation!

Chickpea Salad & Lentil Vegetable Salad

Chickpea Salad & Lentil Vegetable Salad

I also found a bright green plate of steamed asparagus which was cooked just perfect! No sauce or butter to smother this delicious beauty was necessary – some things can look good naked even in the middle of winter! Both Melissa and I were going the same route as we met by the salad bar and chuckled that our plates were almost identical and how “green” they were. I went for the lentil salad which had fresh carrots, celery, green onions, red peppers, and maybe some cucumber, it was fresh and quite filling. Melissa tried both and raved about the chickpea salad. I recently read how lentils pack a ton of protein and are a very good source of cholesterol-lowering fiber so I was happy indulge. Lentils also provide good amounts of important minerals & B-vitamins and pretty much have no fat. With the Cornell Wellness Weight Loss Challenge around the corner: “Hey  teammates…eat lentils!!!” They only have 230 calories for a whole cup of cooked lentils and you will feel super filled up.

Delicious Vegan lunch at Becker House on West Campus.

Delicious Vegan lunch at Becker House on West Campus.


I guess I was starving at that moment because looking back at the picture of everything I ate I am really surprised I consumed that much! On top of the tofu stir fry, lentil salad, and asparagus I grabbed a bowl of perfectly cooked rice from the quesadilla station and added some black beans and a very peppery pico de gallo. I perused by the salad bar but I really didn’t want more greens so I just complemented my dish with some fresh crisp sugar snap peas and whole beets. This was the over kill- I grabbed a veggie burger! It was tasty but I do still love eating them with cheese and bacon…yes at my house I call them the garden of sin burger! Again for sure today no room for dessert but I heard North Star has Vegan Chocolate Cake from the bakery on the menu…maybe a late afternoon snack!


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