4 day vegan

imageAt Becker with Cornell Vegan Society reps. Good conversation. Thank you Tony for a good dinner.  Than you ladies for many insights.


Risley Dining Dragnet

Ladies and gentlemen, the story you are about to see here below is true. The names have been changed to protect the innocent. This is the city: Ithaca, New York. I work here. I’m a cop. My name is Sgt. Joe Friday.

It was 12:45pm on a Thursday afternoon. My partner and I were working the day shift out of the 5 day division. We were thinking we should grab a bite to eat as lunch time was fading fast. We had heard from our sources that there had been some vegetarian activity over at a joint called Risley Dining. We drove our cruiser over to check out what we had heard.

We were checked in by a guy named Sharky. I questioned him and told him all we need to know are the facts, sir. Everything seemed like it was on the up an up but we decided to stick around and see things first hand. We headed in to where we had heard vegetarian food had been seen before. Sure enough there was some vegetarian foods right there where anyone could get it. I saw penne with marinara sauce; the notorious greens and beans, there was golden Yukon potatoes being whipped, and some green peas. I decided that I needed to take some of what I saw into evidence.

At the end of the line there was a guy; he leaned over and said how about a custom stir fry. I rounded up some vegetables and chose a Curry sauce. He stir fried them and slid them atop some brown rice I had selected. I got it back to the table and took a mug shot which is posted below.image

To wrap it all up with a nice neat bow. The tip we got was good. I am going to have to stop back by again from time to time to make sure the place is on the level.

Still Vegetarian

After 3 and a half days I’m still meat free. I’m noticing that I seem to be hungry more often. Particularly for cookies and French Fries, which are vegetarian.

Kosher Day 4

Had a day on the go – meetings all over campus no tim to sit and relax in a place like 104 west or North Star

Grabbed a Pastrami Sandwich from Kosher Grab N Go at Bear very good sandwich

Dinner Tonight at North Star – Had time to sit and enjoy a nice hot meal with many folks around

Lemon Mustard Chicken

Cajun Tofu – Black Bean Salsa – Very good flavor

Quinoa Pilaf – Very Good

Sliced Beets

Beef Barley Soup – Very Nice flavors

Kosher Day Three

Had a great lunch at North Star

Stir Fry Chicken with lo Mein

Sticky Rice

Bean Casserole

Kosher Day 3

Day three of my kosher week started strong. I had a bowl of dry cheerios along with some great starbuck’s coffee. I did however struggle a bit to get lunch in time before Northstar closed. I planned to be at Northstar around 1:30, giving me plenty of time to eat before the kosher station closed. As we all know, some of the best made plans do get turned around. I got busy here at my unit, and before I knew it, it was 1:53 and I didn’t have lunch yet. Normally I would just go to Bear Necessities for a quick bite, but all that was in the cooler was a few sandwich’s. I wanted a hot lunch on a cold day, so I scrambled to Northstar just in time for lunch. First time this week I felt the pressure of eating a specific diet, which is not always right at your fingertips.

Day 3

Milk alternatives for Gluten & Dairy-free team

All the board plan units have a selection of milk alternatives such as soy and rice milks.  Just find the “special cooler”.

Cow milk alternatives in North Star, RPME, Okenshields, Risley, etc.

Cow milk alternatives in North Star, RPME, Okenshields, Risley, etc.

Helpful staff make the difference

Devon Langstaff, a lead cook in Becker House, really knows her ingredients and food allergens. She can direct customers to exactly what foods they can eat.  Additionally, Becker house has a “behind the counter” self serve gluten-free station for making pizza, sandwiches, & bagels; and there are always vegan pies that help the gluten-dairy free diners feel included in the dessert scene

Devon knows her ingredients and allergens!

Devon knows her ingredients and allergens!


Spicy and yummy on West

Chicken Sicilian and Beef and black bean chilli were spicy and good today at Becker–no gluten; no dairy.

Spicy Chicken Sicilian

Spicy Chicken Sicilian

Spicy b & b chilli

Spicy b & b chilli

An afternoon latte

One of the frequent themes I’ve seen from my colleagues this week talking about their 5 Days experiences is the challenge of changing their coffee and tea habits. I almost always drink black coffee, so going dairy-free wouldn’t be a huge problem for me in the coffee arena anyway.

An afternoon latte from Carol's Cafe.

An afternoon latte from Carol’s Cafe.

Since I’m doing my 5 Days with a gluten-free diet, there aren’t a lot of workplace beverages I need to think about! But every once in a while I like to indulge in a latte or a cappuccino. Italians, who invented these wondrous espresso-based drinks, roll their collective eyes at us silly Americans for drinking them anytime other than in the morning, but that’s OK. I find I’m most interested in one in the afternoon.

Conveniently, I work a short walk from Carol’s Cafe in Balch Hall’s Tatkon Center. A few minutes, and a few bucks, and I can indulge in a nice treat that doesn’t even pack many calories. Yes, I’m still looking forward to my next glutinous pizza or pasta or cake, or even just a baguette, but this indulgence will tide me over.

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