Shabbat Dinner with friends

I don’t think we could have picked a better way to finish the 5 day challange than to have shabbat dinner at 104 West. Team kosher was well represented with our team Captain Paul Muscente, then Chef Nery, Murray LaLonde, and of course, myself(Harry Ashendorf). Team Vegetarian was represented with Richard Anderson joining us, as well as team Dairy free with Ed Stinchcomb and Matthew Johnson rounding out our table.

Chef Kevin was a great host, entrees were extremely flavorful(brisket, roasted chicken, and tofu kabobs). The side dishes included one of my favorite in the potato kugal, then corn on the cobb, 104 West’s hummus, and a host of housemade salads. To finish this meal off was a beautiful cake.

This was a great eye opening experience to have to “travel” to get the meals necessary for my diet for the week,and not be able to just eat anywhere.

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Day 4 kosher

Fourth day of kosher started as normal. Grabbed a reliable friend in chobani yogurt, can’t go wrong with yogurt for breakfast. For lunch, I decided to stay home and dine with my fellow managers at Bear Necessities. I had a very nice fresh take kosher salad produced at 104 west. It was a beautifully made with fresh greens, many vegetables, and a hard boiled egg. The Ken’s golden Italian dressing finished off my salad. I shared a bag of sea salt popcorners with my team captain Paul.

My dining partners that day consisted of Paul, team kosher captain, Steve, who had our Bear Necessities cooks make a beautiful vegan pizza full of fresh vegetables, and he didn’t even miss the cheese. Finally Gary, who was eating vegetarian, had a great tossed salad made by the deli of Bear Necessities. A fun and delicious lunch by all.


Kosher Day 3

Day three of my kosher week started strong. I had a bowl of dry cheerios along with some great starbuck’s coffee. I did however struggle a bit to get lunch in time before Northstar closed. I planned to be at Northstar around 1:30, giving me plenty of time to eat before the kosher station closed. As we all know, some of the best made plans do get turned around. I got busy here at my unit, and before I knew it, it was 1:53 and I didn’t have lunch yet. Normally I would just go to Bear Necessities for a quick bite, but all that was in the cooler was a few sandwich’s. I wanted a hot lunch on a cold day, so I scrambled to Northstar just in time for lunch. First time this week I felt the pressure of eating a specific diet, which is not always right at your fingertips.

Day 3

Late afternoon energy needed, Kosher style

Late in the afternoon, I needed a quick pick-me-up. I have had fruit with my meals, so time to look at the single serve snacks. Sure enough, I found a bag of Popcorners. The bag I chose was kosher, but they are also gluten free and dairy free. All five flavors are gluten free and kosher, but only two flavors are dairy free.


Kosher lunch at Northstar

For lunch today, northstar was offering a delicious vegetarian stuffed cabbage. Paired with a tossed salad and a cup of water, lunch was very satisfying. image

Kosher for the morning Day 2


Started my day off with a cup of Life cereal, no milk and a cup of Starbuck’s coffee. So far, breakfast is easy, let’s see what lunch bring me today.



Cereal day 2



Start of 5 days of Kosher

Yogurt day 1I started out the 5 days of kosher with a healthy Chobani yogurt and a cup of starbucks coffee.  It will be a fun week of Kosher. Next stop, 104 West for lunch with Team Kosher

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