As a child my favorite book series was that of the adventures of “Incognito Mosquito, Private Insective” and with the 5 Day Challenge I’ve found that all the investigative training from way back then has come in very handy!
My team is Gluten /Dairy free and the challenge has been a real test. Gluten is hidden in most everything. Dairy is a clearer villain to track. Reading all ingredient labels and asking question after question is absolutely necessary before popping anything into my mouth. It must be a continuous struggle to remain true to this dietary restriction and I am in awe of those that have it as a way of life.
I will not be deterred however, if you see someone creeping around in a long trenchcoat looking food items over with a magnifying glass, no fear – it’s just me “Susan Sherlock, Super (Gluten/ Dairy) Sleuth!
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