Announcing 5 Days!

In an effort to connect staff and students and learn about different diets and lifestyles of the people they serve, Cornell Dining has launched 5 Days, An Experiment! From March 3rd- 7th, members of Cornell Dining’s management, chefs, and staff will adhere to one of six special diets: vegetarian, vegan, dairy free, gluten free, Kosher or dairy/gluten free, and post here about their experiences on campus. Stay tuned for more details!


  1. Therese says:

    Plenty of great salad combos at the Ivy room with gluten-free and dairy-free dressings!

  2. Susan Whitaker says:

    Monday, March 3rd is the official start of the 5 Days challenge. Remember to wear your lime green team shirts when you go to dining units to eat, especially on Monday, 3/3 and Friday, 3/7 ! Good luck to the following teams:
    Dairy free
    Gluten free
    Gluten free/Dairy free

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