It’s Nesting Season!

Spring is a busy time for birds as they build nests, lay eggs, and care for their young. Here is a great way to get outside and help with some important research. NestWatch is a nationwide citizen science project that is designed to track status and trends in the reproductive biology of birds.  It is Read More…

Look for Signs of Spring!

The nights are still chilly, but the days are getting warmer.   The snow is melting.  By the end of the month the days will be longer than the nights, some trees will have started to leaf out.  There will even be some flowers in bloom. The coming of spring follows a similar pattern each year.  Read More…

Count the birds!

It is time for some Citizen Science! What is Citizen Science? Scientists have a limited amount of time and money to collect data.  With help from members of the general public, known as citizen scientists, researchers are able to crowd source data collection collecting more data from more places helping them find answers to real-world Read More…