Look for Signs of Spring!

The nights are still chilly, but the days are getting warmer.   The snow is melting.  By the end of the month the days will be longer than the nights, some trees will have started to leaf out.  There will even be some flowers in bloom. The coming of spring follows a similar pattern each year.  Read More…

Bring Spring to You!

It might not seem like it, but spring is on the way!  The days are getting longer, the snow is beginning to melt, and the maple sap has started to flow.  But maybe you are getting impatient, so why not bring spring to you? So how does one bring about spring?  Well, one way is Read More…

Look all Around!

Look All Around! The ground might be covered with snow, but nature has much to offer if you just take time to look around. Now that you are not distracted by their foliage take a look at some of the trees that have lost their leaves. These seemingly bare trees are actually covered with buds Read More…