It’s Nesting Season!

Robin sitting in nest with heads of two nestlings popping out from under itSpring is a busy time for birds as they build nests, lay eggs, and care for their young.

Here is a great way to get outside and help with some important research.

NestWatch is a nationwide citizen science project that is designed to track status and trends in the reproductive biology of birds.  It is easy and anyone can do it!

How to Participate in NestWatch

  1. Take the online quiz to get certified.
  2. Find nests.
  3. Record data.
  4. Submit data online or with the mobile app.

Click here to get started!

Remember being outside in nature is good for your mental health and research shows that more birds brings more happiness. So spend sometime outside this weekend watching the birds!

Live Bird Cam in Sapsucker Woods, Ithaca NY

Bird Watching Resources