Get Growing! It starts with a seed.

bright red strawberrySeeds come in all different shapes and sizes.  Think of a strawberry which is covered with lots of little tiny seeds.  Now think of an avocado which has one big seed in the middle. Despite the difference in size each of these seeds has the same basic parts.

 Diagram of a been seed

cotyledon: the seed leaf; the first leaf or leaves that appear after germination.

epicotyl: part of a seed that will become the shoot of the plant including stems and leaves

hypocotyl: part of the seed that connects the seed leaf to the bat root

radicle: the first root of a plant; this is the first thing that appear when a seed germinates

seed coat: protects the seed

Here is a fun activity that you can do with kids to explore seeds.

Seed Dissection

Next week we will continue our Get Growing! series with more fun activities to get kids excited about growing things!

Photo of 42 different seeds - all different shapes and textures
Microimages of seeds of various plants. 

First row: Poppy, Red pepper, Strawberry, Apple, Blackberry, Rice, Carum sp.

Second row: Mustard, Eggplant, Physalis sp., Grape, Raspberry, Red rice, Patchouli

Third row: Fig, Lycium barbarum, Beet, Blueberry, Golden Kiwifruit, Rose, Basil

Fourth row: Pink pepper, Tomato, Radish, Carrot, Matthiola sp., Dill, Coriander

Fifth row: Black pepper, White cabbage, Napa cabbage, Sea buckthorn, Parsley, Dandelion, Shepard’s purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris)

Sixth row: Cauliflower, Radish, Kiwifruit, Grenadilla, Passion fruit, Lemon balm, Marigold