MechE New Affiliates and Seniors Invited to Breakfast in Upson Lounge on Thursday, Feb. 6 anytime from 8:00a.m. to 9:00am.

Attention MechE Seniors and New Affiliates:

If you’ve joined MechE in Fall 2013 or Spring 2014,  or if you are a MechE Senior,  you are invited to join Sibley faculty for  bagels/coffee/juice on Thursday, February 6, in Upson Lounge, anytime between 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.   Professors’ Mark Campbell, Director of the Sibley School and Wolfgang Sachse, Director of Undergraduate Studies, will be attending.  Several current MAE M.Eng. students will also be present.  Sponsored by the Cornell Chapter of the ASME.