CHEME 6672, Electric Power:  Economics, Operations and Sustainability-Possible time adjustment for students with conflict.

To all students who are interested in attending the Electric Power: Economics, Operations and Sustainability module (CHEME 6672)

Professors Anderson and Moore have become aware of a time conflict that is preventing some students from enrolling in ChemE 6672, which will have its first meeting at Snee 2154 this Wednesday at 1:25 to 2:40 pm.    We would like to invite interested students to attend this first class meeting where we will outline the course objectives and poll those interested to determine if a time adjustment will allow more students to enroll.  Please attend the first lecture or email us (Lindsay Anderson ( and Michal Moore ( or so we can determine interest and make schedule adjustments as necessary.

The original description of the module is given below.  Please keep in mind that the class meeting times are likely to change.

CHEME 6672, Electric Power:  Economics, Operations and Sustainability
Classes held for 3 weeks from September 26 through October 18
WR 1:25-2:40 p.m. (Snee Hall 2154)
Lead instructors:  Lindsay Anderson ( and Michal Moore (

Energy in many forms is a key pillar of modern society.  The form most people recognize is electricity, the thread that ties economic activity, digital access and sustainable life styles together.  Without electricity, modern civilization would not be possible.  The operation, pricing and oversight of electricity systems, however, is not clearly understood by policy-makers, many academics and the public at large despite increasing public and regulatory interest in developing alternatives such as hydro, wind, geothermal, and solar.  The challenge of electricity systems is a characteristic of high capital intensity, rigorous and constant management demands and unique regulatory and environmental oversight.  We will address that challenge in this module by examining and reviewing the range of generation, transmission, and distribution characteristics that represent most electric systems.  We will discuss the differences between so-called fossil fuel generation and renewable power and use this knowledge to frame the trade-offs between demand for electricity and environmental quality.  We conclude by tying these to an overview of market structures, financing projects and regulatory requirements.  (1 credit)

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