Undergraduate Research Opportunities with New Faculty Member, Prof. Tian.

ZT Group has undergraduate research positions available for Fall 2018-Spring 2019.

You will have the exciting opportunity to conduct cutting-edge research across the boundary of thermal science, nanoengineering, advanced/novel materials, renewable energy, condensed matter physics, and electronic engineering. Research areas include (but not limited to): nanoscale energy transport, solar/thermal energy conversion and storage, thermal management of micro/nanoelectronics, thermal insulation, and thermal phenomena for biomedical applications.  ZT group conducts both simulations (ab initio and classical calculations) and experiments (ultrafast laser-based techniques and inelastic x-ray scattering) on nanostructured materials.  For more details about ZT group, please visit https://ztgroup.org/

Prior experience in the related areas is not a must. Juniors and seniors are preferred. Strong computer programming skills are a plus. If interested, please send your CV and transcript to Prof. Zhiting Tian at zhiting@cornell.edu.

P.S. Prof. Tian is a new faculty member in MAE. She was the recipient of College of Engineering Undergraduate Research Advisor Award at Virginia Tech. She enjoys very much working with undergraduate students.

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