Supervisor Tools

What other supervisor tools do you want at your fingertips?

High Five Award High Five Award
Nutrition Supervisor Quarterly Checklist

Taken from FNEC website – was revised January 2014

Provides a tool for nutrition supervisors to use in organizing ongoing quarterly tasks. It is highly recommended this tool be used to help improve overall program management. The introduction of this tool will be incorporated into new staff training and shared during site visits. The site visit protocol for the current program year can be found on the FNEC website.

Staff Supervison Staff Supervision
Staff Supervision caseload Staff Supervision--Caseload Monitoring
Guide to Shadowing Community Nutrition Educators

This guide was developed to help newly hired Educators have a better understanding about working with their mentors, and with another other CEs while they are in training.

Recommend both mentor and mentee have this document.