Northern New York. The farmer-driven Northern New York Agricultural Development Program has announced 26 research projects prioritized for attention on farms in Clinton, Essex, Franklin, Jefferson, Lewis and St. Lawrence counties in 2016.
Ten projects addressing opportunities for corn, soybean, alfalfa, oats, grass and grain production include:
. an evaluation of brachytic dwarf brown midrib forage sorghum for improved forage production, rotation profitability, and environmental stewardship
. a Year-2 evaluation of the agronomic and forage quality characteristics of brown midrib and non-BMR corn silage hybrids
. an assessment of the impact on nutrient efficiency and forage production of double cropping with cereal and corn silage
. an evaluation of the efficacy of Bt corn for western bean cutworm control under NNY conditions
. continuation of alfalfa winter survival trials
. a Year-2 assessment of plant tissue nutrient levels in soybean in NNY
. Year-2 research into late summer-planted oats as viable option for forage production in NNY
. field trials for maximizing both alfalfa and grass quality in mixed plantings
. continuing work to re-evaluate yield potentials of corn grain and silage in the region, and
. an evaluation of industry-recommended corn hybrids for corn grain production and leaf disease severity in NNY.
An additional four projects are aimed at disease and pest management in crops critical to the regional dairy and livestock industries; corn alone is a $100.6 million crop in northern NY. These projects include:
. a Year 3 diagnosis and assessment of diseases of corn and soybean on NNY farms
. Brown root rot (BRR) research with a second production year of alfalfa populations developed after exposure to BRR fungus and ice sheeting
. the continuation of alfalfa variety breeding trials to increase resistance to alfalfa snout beetle, and
. an evaluation of the use of alfalfa snout beetle biocontrol nematodes on corn rootworm during corn rotation.
Five dairy-focused projects include evaluations of how weather conditions impact cow and calf health plus continuing to work to speciate and quantify lesser-known causes of mastitis.
Five projects with NNYADP funding will advance the regional production of fruit and vegetables, including apples, juneberries, cherry tomatoes, and cold-hardy grapes.
One project will evaluate the use of 3/16-inch tubing to enhance maple syrup production with both natural flow and artificial vacuum sap collection systems in regional sugarbushes; and one project will improve beekeeper management practices to increase the health in the pollinating insects that support honey production in the Northern New York region.
Farmers who have hosted NNYADP field trials praise the value of the Northern New York Agricultural Development Program, noting the impact of enhancing animal health and crop quality, and promoting new agribusiness in the region.
Rhonda Butler of Asgaard Farm and Goat Dairy, AuSable Forks, has participated with a NNYADP small livestock parasite control project. She said, ‘The project results will guide our decisions, and provide us another way to maintain our animals’ health.’
Dairy farmer Lynn Murray of Murcrest Farms, Copenhagen, said, ‘The Northern New York Agricultural Development Program snout beetle control project has paid off here. My 2015 alfalfa crop produced the best first cutting yield ever.’
‘The Northern New York Agricultural Development Program research and training has been very good for helping us cope with an increasing problem of alfalfa snout beetle in the Malone area. We plan to open our own nematode rearing business,’ said Mary DeBeer of Debeer Seeds and Spraying, Malone.
The Northern New York Agricultural Development Program received $600,000 in the 2016-17 New York State Budget. Funding for the NNYADP is supported by the New York State Senate and administered by the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets.
See www.nnyagdev.org for a complete list of the 2016 NNYADP projects, economic impact reports, and the results and application of completed projects.
Media Contacts:
. NNYADP Co-Chairs Jon Greenwood, 315.386.3231; Joe Giroux, 518.563.7523; Jon Rulfs, 518.572.1960
. Publicist Kara Lynn Dunn, 315.465.7578, karalynn@gisco.net