Pesticide Applicator Training Course

What: 1 day Pesticide Applicator Training (PAT) Course.

Application technology is rapidly changing how crop protection products can be applied to maximize efficacy while minimizing spray drift. Proper education and training is needed to assist pesticide applicators in the safe and efficient use of current pest control equipment. Currently there is a void in the amount of professional applicator training being offered for commercial ground-based applicators. Read below to get info on a newly designed one-of-a-kind professional training course for this group of pesticide applicators and the management staff who supervise them.

When and Where: Two dates/ locations offered.
* September 19, 2012- CaroVail Facility, Salem, New York
* September 21, 2012- Peacock Hill Farm, Farmington, New York
Online registration is now available for the 2012 Asmark Institute Professional Applicator Training (PAT).  Classes can hold up to 30 people. Cost is $220 per person.

Cost is $220 per person with lunch provided on location.

To Register: .
Once directed to the website page, click on Professional Applicator Training (1 day) then simply click on the date and location you wish to attend.

Your invitation code is code 24400.

REGISTER TODAY so you don’t miss out!

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