Central NY Beef Producers Feeder Calf Board Sale – April 14

The CNY Beef Producers Spring Sale, scheduled for April 14, 2017, will include both 2016 Spring and Fall calves carried through the winter. Presently, there are over 80 young stock lined up.
After last fall’s success they’ve had a good uptick of support. They visited 11 farms in February to sort calves being offered for their Spring Sale.   Presently, there are 6 groups of about 15 calves each mixed between steers and heifers; black and red; spring and later summer.   More involvement is still welcome. The vaccination deadline is March 8, 2017 for any who have not completed double vaccinations already.
Anyone interested in offering calves or knowing more sale details can contact Bill Gibson at wrg56@cornell.edu or 518-588-6032.