Verify your Rainwise weather station settings

Contact your NEWA state coordinator before purchasing a weather station for use with

Several verification steps must be completed before NEWA can create a location at using data from your weather station account. Finish these tasks before making a request to join

1. Find your URL

Go to and log in. Click the ‘Gear’ icon in the nav bar. Select the ‘Station Info’ tab. Find ‘Your URL’ and write this down. You will need it later.

2. Check your weather station upload rate

Click the ‘Gear’ icon in the nav bar. Select the ‘Station Info’ tab. Find ‘Upload rate.’ Change this the interval to 1 minute. Scroll to the bottom and save your settings.

3. Verify your sensor settings

Click the ‘Gear’ icon in the nav bar. Select the ‘Sensors’ tab. Check the ‘Solar Radiation (Global) and ‘Leaf Wetness’ sensors. If you installed optional soil moisture and soil temperature sensors, select ‘Soil Moisture’ and ‘Temperature 1’, respectively.