
riceOryza sativa L.
Poaceae (grass family)

Location: Small grains and rice paddy in southeast corner

Origin: In the area between Southern India and China.

Biophysical Requirements: Adapted to areas with mean temperatures about 21C (70F) and is unique among cereals in its ability to grow when partially submersed in water. The rice plant is able to transport oxygen from leaves to submerged parts, but upland varieties are grown successfully under conditions of abundant rainfall without being submerged. Two main subspecies are japonica (sticky, short grained) and indica (nonsticky, long grained).

Food Uses: This is the most important grain crop in the world (by production value and quantity used as a food). Rice provides the principal food for about half of the world population. Rice is used mainly for food. In the U.S., rice is grown in California (irrigated), Texas, and the Mississippi Delta.

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