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EXPO 2024: De-carbonizing energy in our daily lives
Featuring fossil-fuel-free equipment, tools, & management strategies in NY!
November 20
Entire Ag Quad, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
(equipment, displays, methods, services: rain, snow, and shine)
+ Mann Library Foyer (featuring organizations with incentives, engagement activities, and green jobs)
Come learn about great innovations to de-carbonize our lives!
- See energy efficient technologies on display
- Find current state, federal, and utility incentives
- Identify technical support to help decarbonize homes, landscapes, farms, municipalities, and businesses in your community!
- Join us!
Nov 20 Events!
- 1pm Tools for Finding your Dream Green Job hosted by Julie Bazan, Career Services! (Mann Library room 160), register here.
- 4pm Panel of Internships, Fellowships, and Jobs for de-carbonizing the economy (Mann Library room 160), register here.
- 4:39 Sunset Drawing for Taste New York Basket! (On the Ag Quad at our main greeting table)
Nov 19 Panel: Electrify NY!
- 2:30-4pm, Biotech G01.
- this panel covers concepts behind the Expo.
- to find the recordings, go here.
National Extension Climate Initiative (NECI) Nov 13 Electrification & Climate panel recording here.
- Decarbonization: reducing or eliminating carbon (fossil fuel) emissions from a sector (transportation, buildings, and power).
- Electrification: replacing technologies that run on fossil fuels with alternatives that run efficiently on electricity. It also means generating all that electricity from clean energy rather than fossil fuels.
- This is a great introductory website: Electrify Now!
- Weatherization: home improvements that reduce energy use and make homes more comfortable (moisture control, air sealing, ventilation, and upgrades to insulation, doors and windows).
Learn how to De-Carbonize your home, farm, business, and community, TODAY!
Join us November 20 to see how.
Together, We Can Do This!
(plus these changes have a suite of co-benefits, such as improved air quality, health, cost-savings, noise reduction, and more!)
Types of Vendors – TRANSPORT
- EV: Trucks
- EV: Cars
- EV: Bikes
- EV: all-terrain recreation vehicles
- Center for Community Transportation (car-share, bike-share, walking)
- NYSEG incentives for EV charging (home and business)
- Clean Communities of Central New York (ways to reduce fossil use, alternative fuels, electrification, idle reduction, etc. Funded by DoE, with similar groups across the US.)
- About EV Incentives
- EVs currently available in the US.
Types of Vendors – HOMES
- PowerHouse Education Tool
- Weatherization Techniques
- Rooftop Solar
- Education Modules
- Heat Pumps
- Electric Tools
- Building Materials
- INTELLO Plus – Smart Vapor Retarder
- MENTO WRBs – Watertight/Airtight WRBs and Underlayments
- ADHERO – Self-adhering Watertight/Airtight WRB and Underlayment
- TESCON VANA – PSA Tape, rated for 100 years of adhesion
- SOLIDO IQ – Vapor-variable airtight tape
- GUTEX Woodfiber Board Insulation
- BRINK Flair ERV/HRV – Ducted HRV/ERVs
- LUNOS HRV (decentralized) – Through-wall HRVs
- Straw panels
- Understanding window attributes
- NYSEG incentives for energy efficiency (homes and businesses)
Types of Vendors – LANDSCAPING
(for homes, businesses, landscaping companies, municipalities)
- Electric mowers
- Electric blowers
- Electric mulchers/trimmers/hedgers/wackers
- Electric pole saw
- Electric chainsaws
- Portable Power Station and Inverters
- Electric snowblowers
- AI lawnmowers
- Energy Efficient Greenhouse Lighting Technology GLASE
- Precision Ag Drones
- Electric Mini-excavator
- Electric Skidsteers
- Battery Powered Portable Sawmill
- Reverse Osmosis for Maple Sugaring Operations
- Electric Tractor
- Energy Audit (how to get one)
- 4H and Energy
- WindowDressers (Neighbors helping Neighbors retrofit leaky windows – a model to bring NY?)
- State and Local Community Organizations to help us all get there!
- Citizens Climate Lobby
- Green Job Training
- Cornell Career Services to help students grow the next generation of de-carbonizers!
In 2019, NYS passed unprecedented legislation: Reduce GHG emissions 85% by 2050?
- See the literal Legislation of the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act, here:
- See the current Scoping Plan of how we get to 2050, here:
- See the path to renewables, here:
- For Everything Else, check out NYS main page for this work:
Most of our GHG emissions come from fueling our buildings and transportation?
- These emissions can be reduced dramatically by efficiency and electrification while improving equity and well-being for all.
Types of Vendors – currently SEEKING
- Community Power
- Innovations in Windows and Doors
- Air Exchange Heat Recovery
- Battery Back-up Systems (instead of diesel generators for when the electricity goes out)
- Safety considerations (batteries, solar, HVAC gases)
- recycling EV batteries for grid storage
- green banks (loans for energy efficient retrofit)
- multi-story building plans to retrofit
- long-lived timber building materials (sequestering carbon in bridges, homes, skyscrapers)
- retrofitting your bike for battery (it can be dangerous – think brakes designed just for a you-powered-bike vs a battery-powered-bike)
- ESG for investing in de-carbonizing efforts
NEW– we are considering curating a few events – Let us know if you want to help out
- Landscaping equipment demo (sometime in the lunch hour, stay tuned)
- Career Service Events for undergraduates and graduates
- Celebratory Raffles (for Extension!)
- Don’t forget, anyone can stroll the campus naturalized landscapes which don’t use nearly as much energy to maintain a beautiful landscape!
Designed for our colleagues attending the annual Cornell Cooperative Extension Inservice Meeting (Nov 19-21), a small working group of Cornell Cooperative Extension Agents bootstrapped this event for the first de-carbonizing expo on campus.
Many thanks to Mann Library, Cornell University Events Team, Cornell Grounds Department, Student Career Services, and more for critical help supporting and expanding the reach and breadth of this event.
Thankful for support from Cornell Cooperative Extension CCE-Erie, CCE-Niagara, CCE-Livingston, CCE-Tompkins, and!
Gratitude to the Organizations, Companies, Agencies, Non-profits and citizens that are sharing their knowledge and technology with us all.
on November 22, Energy Connection 2024 conference is being held at Cornell Tech in NYC (buses are $30 with registration, hosted by the Cornell Energy Club)