Auburn Crop Meeting – Jan 18 registration (extreme weather, herbicide resistance, dairy c footprint)


  1. Ag and Weather Extremes
  2. Herbicide Resistent Weeds
  3. Dairy Carbon Footprint

Register Here:


LOCATION:  3526 Franklin Street – Auburn, NY

DATE: Jan 18, 2023


  • 9:15 am: Registration
  • 10:00 am  – 3:00 pm: Speakers Program 


  • South Central New York Dairy & Field Crops
  • Janice Degni
    (607) 391-2672


1. Agriculture and Weather Extremes: How Can We Adapt?  How do we Work with Public Policy? | Mr. Greg Albrecht, Agricultural Environmental Management (AEM) Coordinator, NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets, NYS Soil and Water Conservation Committee

Many of the practices and management farmers deploy with their herds and crops for production efficiency also benefit the environment and a farm’s preparedness for more extreme weather. This presentation will highlight opportunities to continue that progress, how those practices align with water quality and climate goals, and funding for technical assistance and practice implementation through your local Soil and Water Conservation District’s Agricultural Environmental Management (AEM) program.

2. TBD

3. Weed Management Updates: Herbicide Resistant Weeds and Programs to Control Them. | Dr. Vipan Kumar, Extension Weed Scientist, Section of Plant Science (SIPS), CALS, Cornell University

Overview of herbicide-resistant weeds in USA and NYS-scope of the problem and review of history, efficacy of pre and post-herbicide programs in soybean and corn, spray application technologies and weed control, and non-chemical tools for weed control. Includes review of 2023 field studies.

4. Dairy Sustainability Updates: How & Why Should We Assess a Dairy Carbon Footprint? On Farm Research to Support Sustainability. | Dr. Quirine Ketterings and Kirsten Workman, Cornell Nutrient Management Spear Program (NMSP) & PRODAIRY

Reports from the Cornell Nutrient Management Spear Program  ( the team will address facets of dairy sustainability from tools to asses dairy carbon footprints, and the benefits of that data for positive PR with local communities and marketing, and on-farm research opportunities to assess sustainability practices.


Registration Fee: Includes Lunch
$ 35—Pre-registration /  $ 40—At door