DEA 6610: Environments and Health “Bridging the Gap” SP10 Assignments

Johanna Carroll
PhD Candidate, Community Nutrition, Nutritional Sciences
Community Strategies to Increase Physical Activity and Fruit & Vegetable Consumption

Margaret Demment
PhD Candidate, Community Nutrition, Nutritional Sciences
Start Here: Grow Herbs

Isabel Fernandez
MLA Candidate, Landscape Architecture, Landscape Architecture
The Ithaca Bio-Swale Initiative

McKenzie Jones-Round
MS Candidate, Applied Research, Design + Environmental Analysis
Affordable Housing in Tompkins County: One Home at a Time

Helen Lundell
MS Candidate, Communication, Communication
Cayuga Waterfront Trail: A Way to a Healthier Community
Microsoft Word - CWT health brochure PDF.docx

Christine Moskell
MS Candidate, Natural Resources, Natural Resources
What Can Trees Do for Me? The Health Benefits of Urban Trees

Jennifer Parise
MA Candidate, Human Development, Human Development
2010 CSMD Collection Day: A Retrospective
Microsoft PowerPoint - jennifer parise.ppt [Compatibility Mode]

Kimberly Rollings
MS Candidate, Applied Research, Design + Environmental Analysis
Why Homes Should Be Properly Ventilated

Gretta Vandell
MS Candidate, Applied Research, Design + Environmental Analysis
Lead-based Paint: Risk Assessment Report