Category Archives: Uncategorized

Comparing short-read sequence aligners to determine the best tool for your research needs

Researchers Ryan Musich, Lance Cadle-Davidson, and Michael V. Osier reviewed seven different short-read sequence aligners utilizd in genomic and transcriptomic analysis in this April, 2021 article in Frontiers in Plant Science. Researchers used Powdery Mildew (PM) Erysiphe necator isolates to … Continue reading

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Exploring the genetics behind flower sex in grapevines

Team members Tim Martinson, Cheng Zou, Qi Sun, Jason Londo, Mélanie Massonnet and Dario Cantu have a new article featured in October’s edition of Wine Business Monthly.  The article explores the complex origins of flower sex in grapevines. Grapevine sex … Continue reading

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VitisGen2 researchers describe improved deep learning method for quantification of Grape PM at ASABE Meeting

Deep learning-based saliency maps for the quantification of grape powdery mildew at the microscopic level VitisGen2 team members Tian Qiu, Anna Underhill, Surya Datta Sapkota, Lance Cadle-Davidson, and Yu Jiang recently presented a paper at the 2021 American Society of … Continue reading

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How researchers are seeking DNA sequence variations that affect micronutrient uptake in Vitis vinifera

Researchers Rachel Naegele, Jason Londo, Cheng Zou and Peter Cousins recently published a paper in Peer J where they explore the results of seeking DNA sequence variations that affect micronutrient uptake in Vitis vinifera. Nutrient accumulation impacts all stages of … Continue reading

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