Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this project for?

This project is specifically designed for certified organic vegetable farmers. Urban gardeners and farmers in general might also be interested in our results.

What is the organic microbiome project?

This project is perhaps the largest effort yet to document the soil microbiome of organic farms.

Why study the soil microbiome?

The conservation of soil microbes that promote pest management is a new and potentially groundbreaking area for organic agriculture. These microbes naturally occur on organic farms, promote plant chemical defenses, and control pests.

How does the project work?

Organic vegetable farmers in NYS will receive a questionnaire and a guide for sending us soil samples. Soil sample testing is free of charge!

What are the benefits of participating?

We will send you a packet detailing the practices we found to support pest-suppressive soil microbes. We only ask that you tell us if the practices we found to support microbes are of interested to you!

How much time is required?

The total time commitment for contributing to this project is 90 – 120 minutes over 2 years. Participation is purely voluntary!

Who should I contact for assistance?

The main researcher conducting this study is Dr. Elias H Bloom, a USDA Postdoctoral Fellow at Cornell University. You may contact Dr. Bloom at and 607-255-0066.