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Cornell Project Team

HEaTR is based in the Mario Einaudi Center for International Studies

Alex Nading, Project Director

Alex is a medical and environmental anthropologist and a faculty member in Cornell’s Department of Anthropology.  His work on HEaTR will focus on generating ethnographic material on knowledge and practices, both of experts and of local communities.  Read more about Alex here.




Sarah Besky, Co-Director

Sarah is Associate Professor in the Department of Global Labor and Work within Cornell’s School of Industrial and Labor Relations. In addition to leading qualitative research, Sarah is also coordinating the project’s work with international partners. Read more about Sarah here.




Rusty Weaver, Co-PI

Rusty is Director of Research at the Cornell ILR Buffalo Co-Lab. Rusty is coordinating the project’s work with community partners in Buffalo. Read more about Rusty here.




Wenfei Xu, Co-PI

Wenfei is an Assistant Professor in the Cornell Departent of City and Regional Planning.  Wenfei is an architect and expert in mapping and spatial data science. Read more about Wenfei here.




Timur Dogan, Co-PI

Timur is an Associate Professor  and the Director of the professional Master of Architecture (M.Arch.) and the Environmental Systems Lab. His research expertise is in environmental simulations and performance-driven architectural design. Read more about Timur here.




International Partners