This new blog for the Center for Teaching Innovation provides a platform for us to share ideas, resources, examples, and approaches that are more timely and exploratory than our regular resource pages. It allows us to share work that might be more relevant to specific disciplines than others. It lets us discuss emergent pedagogies that are just beginning to be adopted at Cornell, about which faculty may be curious to learn and try. And it gives our amazing team an opportunity to share work that they find meaningful and important.

We will use this space to respond to what’s new and timely (ChatGPT!), and to highlight good ideas in all of our areas of focus: innovation, evidence-based teaching, diversity, assessment, and technology.

We will share all new blog posts on social media, so please consider following CTI on Twitter (@CTICornell) and Instagram (@cornellteaching). And don’t hesitate to reach out at  if you have ideas for topics you’d like us to cover.

Rob Vanderlan
Executive Director
Center for Teaching Innovation