Research is a fundamental component of the Rivers of Recovery (RoR) approach to therapeutic outdoor recreation. A significant amount of research work has been done over a period of years in collaboration with a number of researchers and institutions, however, very little has been published in peer- reviewed scientific journals. Thus, this research has yet to be “mainstreamed” into current scientific thought and discourse, and is unavailable for citations by other researchers, as well as for use in soliciting additional grants and other funding sources. Therefore, in partnership with Rivers of Recovery leadership, we are conducting a series of research administration and coordination activities to ensure that previous work is fully leveraged and available on the Rivers of Recovery website research page, and that new research builds from this healthy foundation.
Tidball, K. G. (2020). Rivers of Recovery: Fly-Fishing and Therapeutic Outcomes. In Dustin, D., Bricker, K., Tysor, D., & Brownlee, M.
[Eds.]. Outdoor Recreation and Our Military Family: Pathways to Recovery. Urbana, IL: Sagamore-Venture Publishing.
Presentation of Research on Fly-fishing and Therapeutic Outcomes for Veterans presented at the Houston Center for Health and Nature Virtual Symposium, hosted by Houston Methodist and Texan by Nature , Oct 2020.
Rivers of Recovery: Research Updates on Fly fishing and Therapeutic Outcomes – presented at Nature’s Grace: America’s Veterans and the Healing Power of Nature – November 13-15, 2019 -Hosted by Parks, Recreation, and Tourism
University of Utah
The Nature of the Therapy – presented at the Trout Unlimited Veterans Services Partnership Train the Trainer Annual meeting – White River, Arkansas- Sept 2019