We collaborate with DoD and the US Department of Agriculture to provide free and open-access learning opportunities within a full spectrum of family service subject areas. Our long-standing DoD partnership allows us to meet the professional development needs of service providers with programming that reflects complex and dynamic DoD priority areas. As a virtual organization with global reach, we facilitate the connections and shared knowledge required of providers within DoD’s Military Family Readiness System.

The SPEAR4 Team focuses on Military Family Transitions, and how building an understanding of them in the context of community capacity building can enhance military family resilience and readiness. We contribute to OneOp‘s free and open-access multidisciplinary professional development resources for providers serving military families. Our ongoing collaboration with DoD and the Land Grant University System uniquely positions us as a professional home for family service providers affiliated with DoD, Cooperative Extension, and other agencies and nonprofits.

OneOp Military Family Transitions Program Coordinator – Bree Petracca