The most recent Practical Soil health Specialist Training was held in the Hudson Valley. Representatives of New York Soil Health, Cornell Soil Health Lab, and Cornell Cooperative Extension all participated in delivering presentations at the workshop.

Stone House Grain farm in Hudson Valley

Stone House Farm in Hudson, NY,  is a large-scale organic grain operation (2,600 acres) that conducts research on soil health on their own farm.  The Soil Health Trainees got to see the operation first hand. Stone House Farm is a research partner of Hudson Carbon, who has established 10 research sites on the farm. Hudson Carbon monitors Stone House Farm’s carbon, nitrogen and water cycles to understand how regenerative organic management affects these cycles.

The Practical Soil Health Specialist Training Program is a NE-SARE funded project of the American Farmland Trust.

It is a 3-year program for 20 agricultural service professionals across New York State. The goal is to establish a network of Practical Soil Health professionals to support and educate farmers to improve soil health on their land.

Project collaborators include the Cornell Soil Health Program, Cornell University, NRCS, New York Department of Ag and Markets, Cornell Cooperative Extension, Cornell Small Farms Program, Soil & Water Conservation Districts, agri-businesses, and farmers.

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