Katherine and I were very excited to start to teach some of the topics we are most passionate in in our curriculum. Week 3 mainly focused on Privilege and Prejudice and how these two subjects are closely related. As always, we reviewed the collective agreements since this is a sensitive topic. I was pleasantly surprised at how understanding our cohort as they showed numerous attending behaviors and also started their responses with “I agree with __, because..” For our activity, Katherine made me the subject and asked the cohort questions that would determine if they make stereotypes or assumptions based on my face. Some of these questions included who I date, whether I live in a house or apartment, and even what languages I speak. Obviously, the teens were a little uncomfortable as they didn’t want to actually say what they thought out loud. When I revealed the answers, I explained how easy it is for assumptions to be made due to institutional stereotypes that are internalized in most communities. After our activity, we split off into breakout rooms to talk about how privilege and power affects current events including the George Floyd murder as well as the hatred against the AAPI community in the wake of COVID-19.