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Discovery that Connects

Science-based innovation for a changing world

Recent publications from the SIPS community – June 27, 2024

Focus on proteolysis.

Eckardt, N. A., Genschik, P., Jiang, L., Li, X., Otegui, M. S., Sadanandom, A., Spoel, S., van Wijk, K. J., and Weijers, D. 2024. The Plant Cell.

Corn grain and silage yield class prediction for zone delineation using high-resolution satellite imagery.

Sunoj, S., Polson, B., Vaish, I., Marcaida, M., Longchamps, L., van Aardt, J., and Ketterings, Q. M. 2024. Agricultural Systems 218:104009.

Refining stoichiometric approaches to trace soil organic matter sources.

Chang, Y., Ji, D., Sokol, N. W., van Groenigen, K. J., Bradford, M. A., Crowther, T. W., Liang, C., Luo, Y., Kuzyakov, Y., Wang, J., and Ding, F. 2024. Global Change Biology 30:e17385.

A Functional InDel in the WRKY10 Promoter Controls the Degree of Flesh Red Pigmentation in Apple.

Wang, N., Liu, W., Mei, Z., Zhang, S., Zou, Q., Yu, L., Jiang, S., Fang, H., Zhang, Z., Chen, Z., Wu, S., Cheng, L., and Chen, X.  Advanced Science n/a:2400998.

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