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Discovery that Connects

Science-based innovation for a changing world

October update from SIPS director Chris Smart

Dear SIPS Community

I hope you are all healthy and happy! Unfortunately it seems that a rather severe cold has hit many folks at Cornell.

SIPS External Review April 7-10, 2019 will be the dates for our first ever SIPS external review. A committee of five faculty from across the country will visit SIPS and will meet with many members of our community. The goal is to get feedback on how we are coming together as a school, and identify areas where we can make improvements. The committee will visit both the Ithaca and Geneva campuses, and we will have opportunities for folks at LIHREC, HVRL, and CLEREL to join in via zoom. I am working with the executive committee on a self-study that will be distributed to the external review committee before they arrive.

Faculty search updates:

  • Assistant Professor: Grape Disease Ecology & Epidemiology (Geneva Campus). The position announcement is below, and review of applications will begin October 15, 2018. Please do forward this link to everyone that might be interested.
  • Assistant/Associate Professor: Breeding for Sustainable Forage Cropping Systems. The search committee has been formed and the position description is being finalized.
  • Assistant/Associate Professor: Digital Agriculture: Agronomy. The search committee has been formed and the position description is being finalized.
  • Assistant/Associate Professor: Specialty Crop Systems. The search committee has been formed and the position description is being finalized.
  • NEW NEWS! Assistant/Associate Professor of Plant-Microbe Biology (from the last academic year). Negotiations with Clare Casteel are extremely close to being complete, and I am quite certain that Clare will join SIPS in July 2019

Congratulations to the following people who were recognized with a SIPS Kudos in the last month! Thanks for your effort and passion in support of SIPS

  • Bridget Cristelli
  • Brian Flannigan

PLEASE remember to recognize people in our SIPS community that have gone above and beyond. All you have to do is complete the brief form here:

All the best,



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