SIPS service awards for 2018 were presented by Chris Smart and the SIPS Section chairs at a special award ceremony in G10 Plant Science on September 19. Congratulations to all recipients who received awards for 5 years of service all the way to 35 years!

5 Years
Valerie Sullivan (Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology)
Li Wang (Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology)
10 Years
Kazi Manna Akther (Plant Breeding and Genetics)
Zhongmeng Bao (Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology)
Ryan Velasco Crawford (Plant Breeding and Genetics)
Bridget Cristelli (SIPS Administration)
Akio Enders (Soil and Crop Sciences)
Tracy Armstrong-Reuter (SIPS Administration)
15 Years
Shuping Cheng (Plant Breeding and Genetics)
Kim Cotton (SIPS Administration)
Darlene DeJong (Plant Breeding and Genetics)
Lori Radcliff-Woods (Soil and Crop Sciences)
18 Years
Mary Ann Karp (Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology)
20 Years
Dawn Dailey O’Brien (Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology)
25 Years
Diane Ayers (Soil and Crop Sciences)
Tracy Holdridge (SIPS Administration)
30 Years
Cheryl Craft (Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology)
35 Years
Keith R. Payne (Plant Breeding and Genetics)