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Science-based innovation for a changing world

Seven SIPS grad students awarded AFRI-NIFA Predoctoral Fellowships

-Magdalen Lindeberg

Six graduate students in the SIPS Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section and one in Plant Breeding and Genetics have been awarded predoctoral fellowships from the USDA NIFA Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI). The program is focused on developing the next generation of research, education, and extension professionals in the food and agricultural sciences. Two graduate students in Biological and Environmental Engineering also received fellowship awards for plant and climate-related research.

The award maximum is $95,000.00 with stipends capped at $25,000/year.  Remaining funds can be used for tuition, fees, fringe benefits, supplies, travel, workshops, and publication as specified in each proposal’s budget request. Congratulations to all our awardees!

Selection methods for A. vittatum non-preference in squash (C. pepo)

Awardee: Lauren Brzozowski, Mazourek program, Plant Breeding and Genetics

Award amount: $39,000.00

Defining the resistance profile of a broad-spectrum defense gene family

Awardee: Andy Read, Bogdanove program, Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology

Award amount: $94,320.00

Role of Nepovirus Polymerase in Virus-Host Interactions for Symptom Development

Awardee: Larissa Osterbaan, Fuchs program, Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology

Award amount: $95,000.00

TAL-like proteins in endohyphal symbiosis

Awardee: Morgan Carter, Bogdanove program, Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology

Award amount: $95,000.00

Development of Risk Algorithms for the Northern Root-Knot Nematode in Potato in New York State

Awardee: Adrienne Gorny, Pethybridge program, Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology

Award amount: $92,812.00

Development of RNA-based strategies to block transmission of the citrus greening bacterium by the Asian citrus psyllid

Awardee: Annie Kruse, Heck program, Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology

Award amount: $95,000.00

Advancing Virus-Treehopper-Host Interactions to Devise and Disseminate Disease Management Recommendations

Awardee: Libby Cieniewicz, Fuchs program, Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology

Award amount: $95,000.00

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