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Discovery that Connects

Science-based innovation for a changing world

Welcome to new SIPS Graduate Field Coordinator Ayesha Al-Hashimi

head shot of Ayesha Al-HashimiSIPS leadership is pleased to welcome our newest team member Ayesha Al-Hashimi. Ayesha started work on December 5 in the position of Graduate Field Coordinator, vacant since the departure of former SIPS staff member Shelby Champlain. In this role Ayesha will support the Fields of Plant Breeding and of Soil & Crop Sciences, reporting to Leah Cook and working closely with Directors of Graduate Studies for those fields and with other student services staff.

Ayesha was educated in England and has worked internationally in a variety of administrative positions. She enjoys travel, exercise, and art, and is passionate about supporting educational initiatives. Her office is located in 231 Emerson Hall and she can be contacted at Stop by and say hello!

We are also particularly grateful to Karin Jantz and Josh Balles who have overseen these two graduate fields on and off since March of 2023 in addition to their regular job duties.

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