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Discovery that Connects

Science-based innovation for a changing world

Recent publications from the SIPS community – June 20, 2024

Intra-chloroplast proteases: A holistic network view of chloroplast proteolysis.

van Wijk, K. J. 2024. The Plant Cell.

Modeling 0.6 million genes for the rational design of functional cis-regulatory variants and de novo design of cis-regulatory sequences.

Li, T., Xu, H., Teng, S., Suo, M., Bahitwa, R., Xu, M., Qian, Y., Ramstein, G. P., Song, B., Buckler, E. S., and Wang, H. 2024.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121:e2319811121.

Transgenic expression of Rubisco accumulation factor2 and Rubisco subunits increases photosynthesis and growth in maize.

Eshenour, K., Hotto, A., Michel, E. J. S., Oh, Z. G., and Stern, D. B. 2024. Journal of experimental botany.

Annual flower strips increase biodiversity even if planting is delayed.

Westbrook, A. S., Morris, S. H., Stup, R. S., Xia, R. H., Coffey, R. E., and DiTommaso, A. Annals of Applied Biology n/a.

Leguminous green manure promotes N accrual in labile and persistent soil organic matter pools.

Gan, H., and Drinkwater, L. E. 2024.  Plant and Soil.

HortGenome Search Engine, a universal genomic search engine for horticultural crops

Wang, S., Wei, S., Deng, Y., Wu, S., Peng, H., Qing, Y., Zhai, X., Zhou, S., Li, J., Li, H., Feng, Y., Yi, Y., Li, R., Zhang, H., Wang, Y., Zhang, R., Ning, L., Yao, Y., Fei, Z., and Zheng, Y. 2024. . Horticulture Research 11.

The Effect of Denim Fabric as a Feedstock in Large Scale Composting of Manure/Bedding and Food Scraps.

Schwarz, M., Alwala, W., Perju, A., Bonhotal, J., Frey, M., Pires, S., Ankeny, M., and Daystar, J. 2023. Compost Science & Utilization 31:61-73.

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