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Discovery that Connects

Science-based innovation for a changing world

Recent publications from the SIPS community – February 29, 2024

A balancing act: Synthetic oversampling corrects skewed distribution of aflatoxin in maize and improves prediction of contaminated kernels.

Siegel, C., Aoun, M., Windham, G. L., Williams, W. P., and Nelson, R. J. 2023.  Food Control 154:109953.

Chromosomal evolution, environmental heterogeneity, and migration drive spatial patterns of species richness in Calochortus (Liliaceae).

Karimi, N., Krieg, C. P., Spalink, D., Lemmon, A. R., Lemmon, E. M., Eifler, E., Hernández, A. I., Chan, P. W., Rodríguez, A., Landis, J. B., Strickler, S. R., Specht, C. D., and Givnish, T. J. 2024.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121:e2305228121.

Biorational fungicides to manage cucurbit powdery mildew on winter squash in New York.

Indermaur, E. J., Day, C. T. C., Dunn-Silver, A. R., and Smart, C. D.  Plant Health Progress 0:null.

Vision-Based Vineyard Navigation Solution with Automatic Annotation.

Liu, E., Monica, J., Gold, K. M., Cadle-Davidson, L. E., Combs, D., and Jiang, Y. 2023. 2023 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS):4234-4241.

Syntrichia ruralis: emerging model moss genome reveals a conserved and previously unknown regulator of desiccation in flowering plants.

Zhang, X., Ekwealor, J. T. B., Mishler, B. D., Silva, A. T., Yu, L. a., Jones, A. K., Nelson, A. D. L., and Oliver, M. J. New Phytologist n/a.

Antibody array-based proteome approach reveals proteins involved in grape seed development.

Zhang, Y., Wang, Y., Liu, R., Fei, Z., Fan, X., Jiang, J., Sun, L., Meng, X., and Liu, C. 2024. Plant Physiology.

The jet-like chromatin structure defines active secondary metabolism in fungi.

Shao, W., Wang, J., Zhang, Y., Zhang, C., Chen, J., Chen, Y., Fei, Z., Ma, Z., Sun, X., and Jiao, C. 2024. Nucleic Acids Research.


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