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Discovery that Connects

Science-based innovation for a changing world

SIPS letter of concern: student move-in

August 20, 2020

Dear CALS and University Administrators:

As Director of the School of Integrative Plant Science (SIPS) within CALS, I am writing on behalf of the entire SIPS executive committee to offer our help. We have read and heard concerns from resident advisers, undergraduates, and graduate students both within and outside our program who are involved in the current move-in to campus. We want to express our strong support for the RAs and for all of the students who returning to Cornell, and would like to help ensure a safe and equitable reopening. We are ready to contribute PPE or other items that may be useful to help ensure a successful transition into the Fall 2020 semester.

Please let us know if there are ways we can be of assistance,


Chris Smart

SIPS Executive Committee: Toni DiTommaso, Susan Hoskins, Mike Gore, Jenny Kao-Kniffin, Magdalen Lindeberg, Marvin Pritts, Steve Reiners, Joss Rose, Mike Scanlon, Hale Tufan, Gillian Turgeon, Andy Vail

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