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Discovery that Connects

Science-based innovation for a changing world

August update from SIPS Director Chris Smart

Dear SIPS Community,

I hope your summer is going well, despite the many challenges. We do have some positive news to highlight.

  • Congratulations to Jeff Doyle who is the 2020 recipient the prestigious Asa Gray award presented by the American Society of Plant Taxonomists!
  • Congratulations to Don Rakow for his 2020 SHIFT Award from the nonprofit Center for Jackson Hole. This award recognizes individuals, initiatives, or organizations that make innovative, impactful and replicable contributions to the advancement of the health benefits of time outside.

Fall Semester Updates


Plans for Bradfield and Plant Science renovation continue to move forward. The SIPS building committee as well as section chairs have been involved with the Plant Science renovation plans. Additionally, input from faculty and others in every section has been welcome. Your input is key to ensuring that our renovated Plant Science Building will serve our needs. Please reach out to your section chairs and committee members for more info. There is also information available on the renovation page of the SIPS website.

2019 – 2020 Faculty Search updates:

  • Plant synthetic biology: Great news! Laura Gunn has accepted the position and will be joining the faculty May 1, 2021.
  • Genomics-empowered biology of plant pathogenic fungi: Negotiations are nearly complete, and we hope to have good news in the September update.
  • Breeding for Sustainable Forage Cropping Systems: Negotiations are in process, and we hope to have good news in the September update.
  • Physiology of fruit crop adaptation to climate change: Candidate interviews in process, state quarantines due to Covid-19 have slowed the search.

Congratulations to the following people who were recognized with a SIPS Kudos in the last month! Thanks for your effort and passion in support of SIPS.

Building Mastery and Skill: Tara Reed, Savanna Shelnutt, Allison DeSario

Creativity and ideas: Kellie Damann, Michele Blackmore

Going Above & Beyond: Dan Holcomb, Ian Bishop, Jack Satterlee, James Cagle, Karin Jantz, Leah Cook, Mandy Kafka, Roli Wilhelm, Steve Hatfield

Inspirational Leadership: Adrienne Roeder

Strong Team Spirit: Audrey Klein, Derek Parsons, Paul Stachowski

PLEASE remember to recognize people in our SIPS community that have gone out of their way to enhance our School. All you have to do is complete the brief form here

Take care,


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