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Discovery that Connects

Science-based innovation for a changing world

2018 SIPS Service Awards

SIPS service awards for 2018 were presented by Chris Smart and the SIPS Section chairs at a special award ceremony in G10 Plant Science on September 19. Congratulations to all recipients who received awards for 5 years of service all the way to 35 years!

Tracy Holdridge receives an award for 25 years of service

5 Years

Valerie Sullivan (Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology)
Li Wang (Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology)

10 Years

Kazi Manna Akther  (Plant Breeding and Genetics)
Zhongmeng Bao (Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology)
Ryan Velasco Crawford (Plant Breeding and Genetics)
Bridget Cristelli (SIPS Administration)
Akio Enders (Soil and Crop Sciences)
Tracy Armstrong-Reuter (SIPS Administration)

15 Years

Shuping Cheng (Plant Breeding and Genetics)
Kim Cotton (SIPS Administration)
Darlene DeJong (Plant Breeding and Genetics)
Lori Radcliff-Woods (Soil and Crop Sciences)

18 Years

Mary Ann Karp (Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology)

20 Years

Dawn Dailey O’Brien (Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology)

25 Years

Diane Ayers (Soil and Crop Sciences)
Tracy Holdridge (SIPS Administration)

30 Years

Cheryl Craft (Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology)

35 Years

Keith R. Payne (Plant Breeding and Genetics)

Cheryl Craft receives an award for 30 years of service from Gary Bergstrom
Akio Enders receives an award for 10 years of service from Toni DiTommaso
Tracy Armstrong-Reuter delivers her acceptance speech


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