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Discovery that Connects

Science-based innovation for a changing world

SIPS hosts welcome reception for six new faculty members

-Magdalen Lindeberg

A reception was held on Friday September 29 to welcome our six most recently hired faculty, including Awais Khan (Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section), Ying Sun (Soil and Crop Sciences Section), Chelsea Specht (Plant Biology Section), Gaurav Moghe (Plant Biology Section), Kelly Robbins (Plant Breeding and Genetics Section), and John Wallace (Horticulture Section). SIPS Director Chris Smart opened the introductions extolling the expertise and exciting science that all six are bringing to the school, and looking forward to many more new hires in the next few years. (photos: Craig Cramer)

Gary Bergstrom introduces Awais Khan
Bill Crepet introduces Chelsea Specht


Klaas van Wijk introduces Gaurav Moghe
Tim Setter introduces Ying Sun
Jeff Doyle introduces Kelly Robbins
Steve Reiners introduces John Wallace
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