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Discovery that Connects

Science-based innovation for a changing world

Recent publications from the SIPS community – June 29, 2017

Ethanol accumulation does not predict soft scald in ‘Honeycrisp’ apples.

Al Shoffe, Y., Nock, J.F., Baugher, T.A., Watkins, C.B. 2017.  New York Fruit Quarterly 25(2):25-29.

A Renaissance in Nepovirus Research Provides New Insights Into Their Molecular Interface With Hosts and Vectors.

Fuchs, M., Schmitt-Keichinger, C., and Sanfaçon, H. 2017. Pages 61-105 in: Advances in Virus Research, T.C.M. Margaret Kielian and J.R. Marilyn, eds. Academic Press.

First detection of boscalid resistance in Podosphaera xanthii in the United States associated with failure to control cucurbit powdery mildew in New York and New Jersey in 2009.

M. T. McGrath and C. A. Wyenandt. 2017. Plant Health Progress 18:93.

First report of resistance to quinoxyfen in Podosphaera xanthii, causal agent of cucurbit powdery mildew, in the United States.

M. T. McGrath and C. A. Wyenandt. 2017.  Health Progress 18:94.

First Report of an Alternaria Leaf Spot of Wheat in the U.S.A.

Fulcher, M.R., Cummings, J.A., and Bergstrom, G.C. 2017.  Plant Disease 101:1326-1326.

Sensitivity and Efficacy of Boscalid, Fluazinam, and Thiophanate-Methyl for White Mold Control in Snap Bean in New York.

Lehner, M.S., Del Ponte, E.M., Gugino, B.K., Kikkert, J.R., and Pethybridge, S.J. 2017.  Plant Disease 101:1253-1258.


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